Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Assignment 1- Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Assignment 1- Accounting - Essay Example In a balance sheet, the sum of all the liabilities and the equity of an organization should be equal to the assets; as all the assets would either be financed through taking up liabilities or providing equity to the stockholders. Therefore, Assets are the economic resources that are owned by an organization. They may be tangible in nature such as building, inventory, cash, accounts receivable etc., or intangible in nature such as good will. Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of assets; Fixed and Current Assets. Currents assets are assets which can be easily converted into cash such as inventory and accounts receivable. Assets which cannot be easily converted into cash such as real estate, buildings are known as fixed assets. Liabilities are debt that is held by an organization. An organization may have taken up debt from its suppliers, or banks, or vendors and creditors. This section shows all the money that an organization has to pay off, in the short term or in the long terms. The third section, Equity, is another method of raising money, where shares are given to stockholders and money is taken from them for the purpose of the business. Shares help the stockholders become part owners of the organization. Balance sheet provides information regarding the trends that are present related to an organization regarding the elements of the balance sheet. A comparative analysis of balance sheet items such as accounts receivable, accounts payable would help identify trends over the years regarding these assets and liabilities. Or are the cash reserves declining over the years; the investors might then look deeply into the matter to see the reason behind it. In short, it provides the changing scenario of the organization over the years; in a profit and loss statement, the information is pertaining to that certain year only. Fixed Assets are a part of the Assets; they are those assets of the organization which cannot be easily converted into
Monday, October 28, 2019
Inheritance Of Tools Essay Example for Free
Inheritance Of Tools Essay Glessing 1 The Passing Down of Tools Inheriting tools allows my family to pass on generations of hard work, detail, and precision. I am the recipient of the huge, black, Severson drill press given to me by my great grand father, who came over from Germany in 1902. I do not know if you have ever seen a Severson drill press, but the craftsmanship is something to be proud of. Everything is hand crafted, pulleys, gears, and even the key that tightens the chuck. My grandfather who inherited this drill press from his father just passed it down to me. I can remember endless hours watching my grandfather working with the press, drilling holes in decoy bodies or just doing odd jobs for the neighbors. He always told me the sang keep your eye on the metal and not on the bit because its not the bit that your name Glessing 2 is on its the product that the bit makes. This sang often times has run through my mind when I think of my grandfather but, never more so when he was in the hospital last year dieing of lung cancer. I remember that Monday just like yesterday. I was sitting behind the drill press fixing a wheel bushing on the neighbors Toro lawn mower. It was a ugly, red, piece of junk, but all the time my grandfathers sang keep echoing in my head its your name on that job. I then hustled to finish boring the wheel to one half-inch diameter and began inserting the long brass sleeve into the wheel when the phone rang. I answered it was my grandmother, she sounded concerned, she quietly asked, May I speak with your father. This was a rather new development because it was never my grandmother who called asking for my father it was always my grandfather looking for a hunting buddy or someone to help him work on his old, rusted, pink, 1958 Cadillac. I soon felt chills running down my spine I immediately shut off the huge press as it ground to a halt I heard my dad say Glessing 3 oh no! I had no idea what was going on could this be a fatal heart attack, or maybe a simple engine problem in his Cadillac that my grandfather was too stubborn to convey to my father. My grandfather has had many past health problems but the majority of them were heart related. I soon disregarded the conversation since sometimes my dad tended to flip out at very small minute things. I had to get this lawnmower done for the neighbor since his lawn resembled a green alpha field after a huge windstorm. I started up the old black press with a clank and a bang the huge wheel that drove the chuck had broken. The teeth spun off the gears like butter off of a hot ear of corn. I was terrified I thought how am I going to be able to fix this. Luckily just like in the story Inheritance of Tools, by Mr. Sanders, my father had taught me many skills: including welding, machining and cabinetry. Although my skills are much different than that of Mr. Sanders stories they have the same basic concept, learning a skill from a father or grandfather. Glessing 4 I then began to disassemble the huge nut that holds on the main pulley of the huge gear driven set up. Luckily, the pulley teeth were going to be salvageable with a little filling, as for the pulley, it needed extensive welding. I then turned around and sprinted for the large white three-story farmhouse that had been in the family for eighty years. I was very interested to see if my father was going to go fishing like he had planned earlier that day or if he was going to help my grandfather work on his car. He calmly said, Your grandfather isnt well. I jokingly said what another clogged artery. Since the new joke in our family was which one of grandpas arteries is going to plug up next. My grandfather had a horrible eating problem. He ate eggs and bacon for breakfast fried chicken for lunch and usually meat loaf for dinner, my favorite. My father laughed I think to lighten the mood for what he had in store to tell me. He said, No his voice stern but yet quite. I said, then what is wrong with him. My father repeated the most devastating word to me, he has lung cancer and the doctor Glessing 5 has given him two weeks to live. I can relate this feeling to that of the story ËÅ"Inheritance of tools Mr. Sanders was informed of his fathers death after he had used the very tools his father had handed down to him. I felt the same way, my grandfather was not dead, which I was very grateful, but he was next to dead. The very powerful untouchable man I watched make decoys, fix neighbors projects and be the inspiration of a good sang was not going to be here anymore. That was what was the hardest for me as I think it was also for Mr. Sanders in ËÅ"Inheritance of tools. The fact that the man you looked up to the man that taught you everything was going to be gone. I had many things flash through my mind but after everything was over, and the horrible prognosis infiltrated my mind, I actually was very angry. ËÅ"Why does god need to take my grandfather now I shouted to whom ever could hear. Sanders and I did what I feel was the best thing anyone can do; carry on the tradition and legacy of your loved one. Whether it is helping others, making goose decoys or in Sanders Glessing 6 case showing his son how to hammer a nail. I feel even repeating the old sang, often used by my grandfather when I was young, You can not appreciate some things until you are older, helps carry on the tradition of the big black Severson drill press and all the knowledge that goes with it. I shook off the news of my grandfathers terminal diagnosis and I lumbered back out to the shed and began to weld. I pictured my grandfather there welding away on the same pulley as I was, since there were previous welds on the same faded black pulley. I then thought to myself of another old seemingly senseless sang my grandfather had told me about welding and life in general. He said its not what you see on the outside of the pulley its what gets inside that counts. I have tried to understand that sang for many months now and it reminds me just like sanders black and blue thumb reminded him of his father. I wish my grandfather was still alive today and I would ask him what that means, but since he is not I will try to answer it the best I can. I now think my grandfather was trying to instill in me, when Glessing 7 I was young was that of hard work, precision, and most of all to treat people as you would like to be treated. American Society is so judge mental of clothes and jewelry th at we rarely see what is inside, we only see, as my grandfather said, what can be ground off. Glessing 8 Sanders, Scott. Our Lives Our Worlds a Thematic Reader.Ed. Richard M. Shaw, Orlando: Harcourt, 2001. 5-12.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Humorous Wedding Speech by an Old Friend of the Groom :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches
Humorous Wedding Speech by an Old Friend of the Groom Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen Let me first say that the bridesmaids look absolutely smashing today, and only rightly outshone by our bride, Pamela. And, I'm sure you'll agree with me gentlemen, today is a sad day for single men, as another beauty leaves the available list. And ladies, I'm sure you'll agree that today's passing by without much of a ripple. I've known Robert for the best part of twenty years and of course there are plenty of things I could tell you about what we got up to in our younger days. Unfortunately, I did consult my solicitor and he tells me that we could still face prosecution, so maybe I’ll keep things to a minimum†¦ and talk only about Robert’s positive attributes. And from time to time, Robert does exhibit some outstanding qualities of character which have earned the respect of so many of us gathered here today. He is generous to a fault – especially if it’s his own. He is exceptionally modest – although he has plenty to be modest about (or at least he did until Pamela became his girlfriend). And he is a man who always sticks by his convictions - he will remain in the wrong no matter how much he gets ridiculed for it. But perhaps Robert’s most enduring quality is his artful pillory of those about him. When on form, his wisecracks at the expense of others can be as withering to the subject as they are amusing to everyone else. Take the incident earlier today when he asked the vicar (preacher), ‘Do you charge for taking a church service?’ ‘Not a penny’ he replied. ‘From what I saw this morning, you’ve got it spot on!’ I am convinced Robert’s personality and sense of fun resulted from the games his dad played with him as a kid. He used to throw him in the air – and walk away. Needless to say, another good thing about Robert is that he can take a joke as well as. Mind you, so can Pamela, because she's taken Robert. Having been a first-hand observer of Robert for a long time I’ve seen other desirable virtues begin to emerge in him. He’s become quite entrepreneurial, and as a close friend of his I’ve been drawn into many of his wild schemes as an unwilling ally.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Destruction of the Rainforest :: Environment Environmental Science
The Destruction of the Rainforest The purpose of this paper is to inform the reader of the destruction of the rainforest. In my paper I discuss many aspects of the rainforest. I explain what the rainforests are, and give a brief summary of the importance of the rainforests. I also give a description of the destruction of the rainforest, and how a person can help to save the rainforest. The rainforests are disappearing acres per minute, a number that grows so quickly it would be impossible to cite here because it would be outdated within a week. The rainforests are home to over half of the entire species of the world, which are being destroyed with the rainforests. Unlike the rainforest itself, which may appear to grow back, it will never be the rainforest it once was, and the species that were killed will never return again. Many of the species that have not yet been discovered may very likely cure cancer, AIDS, and many other diseases and viruses of today. If the rainforests disappear so will most of the population of the world. By the end of my paper the reader will know more about the horrifying destruction of the rainforest and how we can all work together to stop it. There are two different types of rainforests: tropical and temperate. Tropical rainforests are found in 85 countries around the world. They are located near the equator, where temperatures stay above 80 degrees Fahrenheit year round. These dense, damp forests occur in Latin and South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Although they (tropical rainforests) cover just seven percent of the earth’s surface they can provide habitat for 50-90 percent of its animal species. In 1990, tropical rainforests totaled some 1.7 billion hectares (Forest Alliance of British Columbia, 1996). Half of the world’s rainforests lie within the borders of Brazil, Indonesia, and Zaire. Tropical rainforests have 3 layers: the forest floor, the understory, and the canopy. The forest floor has soil and is home to mainly insects although large mammals like gorillas and jaguars are also found there. Many smaller animals, including anteaters, lemurs, and tree kangaroos live in the understory. This is also where many small trees and shrubs are found.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The purpose of doing this is to analyze the disease history
Like all little children whenever I saw my weak mother suffering from ill health I had dreams of being a doctor. But adulthood brought some self realization and I knew that this was not the chosen profession for me. I was scared of blood and the sight of it brought nausea and giddiness in me. Dreams of taking a knife or an injection died a natural death.As I had an aptitude for numbers and was confident of my logical thinking, I opted for Mathematics and statistics as my undergraduate major and computer science as minor. For the past five years I have been studying mathematics and statistics in University I have been involved in some projects related to the medical field.In these projects, I used SPSS, MiniTab, SAS to generate meaningful statistical information including the comparison of means and proportions and investigation of relationships between variables using regression. Currently I am involved in a project focusing on historical census records. The purpose of doing this is to analyze the disease history of the family that would enable doctors to adopt preventive measures for future generations.The summer of 2007, when I met a girl from the CH&E department in the course of my work in a Diabetes program reinforced the idea that I should pursue this MSc CH&E program and base my future career on this. That was the first reason for my choice of this program and Dalhousie University.The MSc Program in Community Health and Epidemiology would enhance my knowledge, analytical skills and formal evaluative methods with application to disease prevention, health promotion and assessment of community health service and system needs. After successful completion of this program I would have honed my skills in a broad range of community health and epidemiology research studies, intervention programs and policy development efforts.Faculty members in the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology in Dalhousie have backgrounds in a number of disciplines and have con tributed tremendously to Health Research and Health Promotion.The associate professors who are the fulltime faculty here have a reputation that has added to my reasons for the choice of this school. One of my desires is to be under the expert guidance of Associate Professor Judith Guernsey. Her Ph.D. Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health, her research interests and activities where there is a heavy focus on the health of rural communities have particularly appealed to me because I feel that this is an indication of true social awareness.My interests are in the areas of addiction and health of women and when I read thatThe research interests of Associate professor Susan Kirkland include Women's Health, Aging, Health Services and Osteoporosis I consider this as a great opportunity to interact with her, and I have heard a lot about her lectures. I look forward to gaining admission in this school and be benefited by her lectures on Advanced Epidemiology. I have also read about th e research activities of George Kephart and I would be fortunate to be exposed to professional caliber of such superior kind.I also look forward to taking the course on Biostatistics which would be handled by Associate Professor Gordon Flowerdew. I would like to further enhance my training in Mathematics and statistics because I have been doing well in these subjects and am confident of rising up to the standards of all these seasoned expertsModern population-based health management is complex, requiring a multiple set of medical, political, technological, mathematical skills of which epidemiological practice and analysis is a core component that is unified with management science to provide efficient and effective health care and health guidance to a population.This task requires the forward looking ability of modern risk management approaches that transform health risk factors, incidence, prevalence and mortality statistics (derived from epidemiological analysis) into management m etrics that not only guide how a health system responds to current population health issues, but also how a health system can be managed to better respond to future potential population health issues.My diligent work in this educational program where I intend to make full use of the opportunity given by the course curriculum would enable me to pursue a longstanding career in the field of community health.The field of epidemiology would allow me to contribute to the medical profession, in a way that would suit my temperament too, because this is in the medical field, but without going through the tough first hands on experience of a doctor or a nurse.My interest and grounding in statistics would come in handy because the program enables the student to critically appraise, evaluate and design community health and epidemiological research studies and programs through the use of appropriate research methodologies and sources of information.After successful completion of this program I w ould be competent enough to effectively communicate my knowledge to the public and other health professionals and this would help my career objectiveMy short term is to get into CH&E program, then get the master’s degree; long term plan is to work as a researcher and analyst in the medical field area. I would also try to become a health protection practitioner, working in different settings and combating outbreaks of disease.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Manets A Bar at the Folies Bergere essays
Manets A Bar at the Folies Bergere essays Manet's A Bar at the Folies-Bergre Manet's painting, A Bar at the Folies-Bergre, was an integral factor in the rise of a new era in art; through the emergence of a contemporary Parisian city, Modern art began to flourish during the late 1800's. Being a painting of extreme complexity and ambiguity, many art critics have commented on the formal aspects of the painting, as well as the social reactions to this specific, and novel form of art. The purpose and meaning of the mirror behind the lady and the disparity of reality versus reflections, pose immense controversy and are discussed in Robert Herbert's essay, Impressionism: Art, Leisure, re", and T.J. Clark's, The Painting of Modern Life. Moreover, these authors's united their interpretations of this painting with the idea of a new Parisian lifestyle and conduct. Presented in this painting is the scene of a young, engaging barmaid at the Folies-Bergre music hall. She is standing behind a marble counter, which is covered with wine bottles, fruits, and flowers. Behind her are the essential element of the painting; the mirror that reflects the setting in which she is serving, as well as a peculiar man with a moustache. The barmaid, is confined to the narrow space behind the bar, however in the reflection, Manet introduces the new recreational activities of the elite, and sophisticated Parisians. Despite her lack of expression, Herbert clearly states that Manet has given the barmaid facing the audience a feeling of dignity and self-worth, contrary to the Parisian customs. It was thought that women were hired to increase the sales of drinks, and were made as vehicles for sexual favors, and other kinds of business. Herbert also says that barmaids at the time were known for "loose morals." He s...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Hobbes vs. Locke essays
Hobbes vs. Locke essays Who do you agree with, Locke or Hobbes, and why? I believe that Hobbes is genuinely correct in stating that man is greedy and ambitious in nature. Most things revolve around money and power, therefore profit motif serves as the force that drives us. We constantly try excel in everything and thus compete with ourselves and with our neighbors. I do believe that everything we do is driven by one of two ways Hobbes mentions: self interest. Realistically, even the most charitable gesture is ultimately self-serving. Still when we do noble deeds, we feel good about ourselves; about something meant for another but born in me and that leads to pride and high self esteem. It is no sin to feel good about something, but it is no lie that even when a noble cause is completed, we are filled with a different sensation we lacked beforehand. Notwithstanding, I agree with Lockes ideas on how a man is corrupted with the creation of properties and the acquired value of natural resources. I am not completely certain that men rob others from their natural born right to own what Nature has offered, but in accordance to Locke, I disagree with men hoarding more than they can make use for. Ultimately, men need Nature or each other, therefore I concur with Locke when he sets an example placing a man, with abundant resources he has labored and are thus his, in the middle of nowhere who will eventually give in to Nature or another human because he has no use for his excise. ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Free Essays on The Revolt of Mother
Domestic Disobedience and the role of women in â€Å"The Revolt of ‘Mother’†In an essay by Mary Wilkins Freeman Reflecting on her story â€Å"The Revolt of ‘Mother’†she wrote that: In the first place all fiction ought to be true and â€Å"The Revolt of ‘Mother’ â€Å" is not true . . . . There never was in New England a woman like Mother. If there had been, she certainly would have lacked the nerve. She would also have lacked the imagination. New England women of that period coincided with their husbands in thinking that the sources of wealth should be better housed than the consumers. (qtd. in Gassler) The above quote reveals Freeman’s understanding that the dominant views of how society and the family are structured are rarely challenged or even seen as a problem. In the patriarchal farming society of New England, women understood their place and did not think to challenge it. Yet, this untruth as Freeman sees it is exactly the thing that makes her story so compelling and allows it to illuminate the plight of woman in an oppressed society. In â€Å"The Revolt of ‘Mother,’†Freeman, by comparing Sarah Penn’s personality and actions to historical revolts involving men, places Sarah’s female act of domestic disobedience in the context of important patriarchal revolts and shows how Sarah revolts against three male-dominated structures. Freeman establishes the male dominance in patriarchal society from the very beginning of the story. At the beginning of the story, when Sarah goes outside to ask her husband â€Å"what are them men diggin’ over there in the field for†he simply â€Å"shuts his mouth tight†and continues to harness his horse (168). The male does not have to disclose any information to his wife if he does not care to do so. His silence is not a matter of weakness but of his dominance. His power resides in the fact that he can remain silent without consequence. The description of the husband’s actions ... Free Essays on The Revolt of Mother Free Essays on The Revolt of Mother Domestic Disobedience and the role of women in â€Å"The Revolt of ‘Mother’†In an essay by Mary Wilkins Freeman Reflecting on her story â€Å"The Revolt of ‘Mother’†she wrote that: In the first place all fiction ought to be true and â€Å"The Revolt of ‘Mother’ â€Å" is not true . . . . There never was in New England a woman like Mother. If there had been, she certainly would have lacked the nerve. She would also have lacked the imagination. New England women of that period coincided with their husbands in thinking that the sources of wealth should be better housed than the consumers. (qtd. in Gassler) The above quote reveals Freeman’s understanding that the dominant views of how society and the family are structured are rarely challenged or even seen as a problem. In the patriarchal farming society of New England, women understood their place and did not think to challenge it. Yet, this untruth as Freeman sees it is exactly the thing that makes her story so compelling and allows it to illuminate the plight of woman in an oppressed society. In â€Å"The Revolt of ‘Mother,’†Freeman, by comparing Sarah Penn’s personality and actions to historical revolts involving men, places Sarah’s female act of domestic disobedience in the context of important patriarchal revolts and shows how Sarah revolts against three male-dominated structures. Freeman establishes the male dominance in patriarchal society from the very beginning of the story. At the beginning of the story, when Sarah goes outside to ask her husband â€Å"what are them men diggin’ over there in the field for†he simply â€Å"shuts his mouth tight†and continues to harness his horse (168). The male does not have to disclose any information to his wife if he does not care to do so. His silence is not a matter of weakness but of his dominance. His power resides in the fact that he can remain silent without consequence. The description of the husband’s actions ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Digital Marketing Campaign for SNOW tires Term Paper
Digital Marketing Campaign for SNOW tires - Term Paper Example This campaign will include a sale of a high number of tires to the market. And the end will be to sell 200,000 tires in North America and Europe in the five winters between 2014 and 2018. This will include creating awareness to consumers in USA, Canada and the European Union and also maintain a 20% sale level in the emerging markets. Sales in these emerging markets will be boosted to 200% of primary market sales after 2018. Online marketing is going to be used as the primary system through which the tires are going to be marketed. Therefore, the plan is to provide online marketing to all the consumers and enter the markets through a unique and distinct system and process. SNOWDRIVE is faced with competition from various levels of competitors. First of all, there is the threat of new entrants which includes companies that can manufacture similar types. This is quite unlikely. Fourthly, there are threats of supplier integration which is quite unreal because SNOWDRIVE are the suppliers. Finally, the threat of competitors in the industry is not really harsh since SNOWDRIVE is innovative in its presentation of this unique winter-type of tires. Political: The policies of the United States and Canada as well as the European Union are relevant and this includes importation and taxation rules as well as Internet disclosure processes and regulations. The liberalization of trade means that promotion could be done from a centralized source and process through which the company can sell and market products. However, important federal and EU relating to the advertising of agencies including respect for local laws must be streamlined. 1. Target customer: The primary customers are young members of these developed economies. This should include the younger sections of society who spend more time online. Secondary customers should be the richer and older users of the Internet who have
Friday, October 18, 2019
Visit the Jurassic Quest Exhibit and Report of geology Essay
Visit the Jurassic Quest Exhibit and Report of geology - Essay Example Some of the dinosaurs in the exhibit seem a life with sounds and movement. These are labelled moving Dinosaurs. By the touch of a button one is able to control the movement of a variety of the animatronics dinosaurs (Andrew, 68). Such event makes visitors happy due to the fact that they allow them to learn while controlling their movement, the breathing and more produce sound such as roaring. More interesting one can control their heads, arms, and tails as it comprises of different buttons that match to different body parts. I realized that no matter the age was fun not found in museums. Alongside animatronics dinosaurs that have movement capability, there is static one that is at a standstill. These are labelled Museum quality dinosaurs. These static dinosaur replicas are of museum quality which is automatically balanced to depict the palaeontologist recognized findings. These dinosaurs are well positioned in the exhibit so that people are able to touch and feel them. This activity is highly supported as it is what brought about the different discoveries on dinosaurs. In addition to the exhibition part, is a realistic scene shown by the use of digital screens. This assists in the learning of different features of the dinosaurs. Every scene stands for dinosaurs from a given time period that best shows when the dinosaur was in existence. One gets involved into the scenes by the use of sounds, sight, and motion by use of extraordinary sounds effects, lighting, animatronics and fog. In it an environment, taking one back when dinosaurs were in existence is exhibited with backdrops, rocks, flooring and plant materials. There were different dinosaur exhibits available for viewing. These included Gigantoraptor, Sinosauropteryx and T.rex juvenile, Eoraptor a bird like creature, Jobaria a 22 meters long necked plant eater, a seven meter plant eater
Study skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Study skills - Essay Example It is, quite literally, a case of survival of the fittest (Moore, 2010, pp. 19-28). The most organized, the most efficient, and the best rounded will be the ones coming out on top. Never have study skills been more important than when students are in university. Most of the time, students that get admission in a university are those that have, for the most part, been good at organizing their time, keeping up with their study assignments, and on top of their quizzes and tests (Roberts, 2006, pp. 23-25). Furthermore, good university students are those that possess the adequate skills of prioritizing; students that can juggle their academics with their extracurricular activities and jobs tend to do well. This skill is especially important in university because when a student comes from a school and is presented with ten-fold the opportunities on a university campus, temptations and the urge to participate in many activities and sports can cause the students to fall into the trap where they have more on their plate than they can handle. It becomes important then for students to recognize which extracurricular activities to choose to engage in, keeping in mind the real reason they are in university: to study (Moore, 2010, pp. 19-28). A good student will use their skills of prioritizing to analyze their workload and then decide what non-academic activities to participate in. In this way, never in their time at university will they feel overwhelmed by the demands of their extracurricular activities. Another personal skill that is important in university is that of being efficient and productive. Students should not waste their time on ‘useless’ pass times and should use their free hours as productively as possible. Keeping on top of their homework, their papers and not waiting until the deadline are always the signs of a good student (Floyd, 2007, pp. 49-55). Another study skill one must strive to have is that of studying and keeping up with the coursework on a
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Characteristic of the U.S. health care delivery system Essay
Characteristic of the U.S. health care delivery system - Essay Example 9). These characteristics hinder the delivery of healthcare in the US because they pose problems of delays and legal complications. These characteristics reflect that the US healthcare system is highly fragmented and has immense political, economic, and cultural influences. People belonging to certain ethnicities and age groups e.g. older African Americans receive poor access to effective healthcare treatment. In the researches controlling for insurance of health, the older African Americans have been found to have gotten lesser eye examinations, screening for breast cancer, and various other kinds of treatments (Yeo, 2009, p. 1279).The US healthcare system also reflects lack of a central governing agency in the US. The current system of US healthcare poses many emotional, cultural, and political challenges for the health care administrators. However, support for the model of universal health coverage in the US has increased in the recent years and this is seemingly the best way to make the healthcare system unbiased, cost effective, and of high quality (Pushman and Chung,
Research for Health Project Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
For Health Project - Research Paper Example The proposal aims at correcting the situation by suggesting various alternatives towards ensuring early HIV infection diagnosis among the Africans in UK. There is a need to access the various barriers that hinder. The research paper will also contain some research questions that the researcher will use in the field to come up with concrete findings in the study. The methodological chapter reviews some of the research techniques and designs that the researcher will use in addressing the qualitative and quantitative studies in developing the research. The section also gives the prelude on how data will be collected in the field as well as the sampling procedures that will be used in obtaining the desired population for the study. A detailed technique of raw data analysis and presentation is also indicated in the chapter. A literature search refers to an explicit and systematic approach to identifying, retrieving and managing bibliography of independent studies. The independent sources are obtained from published from sources, and the search aims at synthesizing conclusions, singling out future areas of research as well as locating information on particular topics. Today, a lot of technological advances are seen in the field of medicine as well as nursing. For instance, there are epidemics and new cases of diagnosis of some diseases worldwide. The current trends in the late diagnosis of HIV infection among the black Africans is a matter of concern in UK (Health Protection Agency, 2007). The issue poses a great concern to the government of UK to find out the primary cause of the late HIV infection diagnosis. Late HIV infection diagnosis among Africans in UK is a serious problem in the region. The problem of late HIV infection defines a situation where the CD4 cells count way below the minimum level of 350 cells/mm3 (Fenton, 2007, p.14). The late diagnosis hinders early access to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Characteristic of the U.S. health care delivery system Essay
Characteristic of the U.S. health care delivery system - Essay Example 9). These characteristics hinder the delivery of healthcare in the US because they pose problems of delays and legal complications. These characteristics reflect that the US healthcare system is highly fragmented and has immense political, economic, and cultural influences. People belonging to certain ethnicities and age groups e.g. older African Americans receive poor access to effective healthcare treatment. In the researches controlling for insurance of health, the older African Americans have been found to have gotten lesser eye examinations, screening for breast cancer, and various other kinds of treatments (Yeo, 2009, p. 1279).The US healthcare system also reflects lack of a central governing agency in the US. The current system of US healthcare poses many emotional, cultural, and political challenges for the health care administrators. However, support for the model of universal health coverage in the US has increased in the recent years and this is seemingly the best way to make the healthcare system unbiased, cost effective, and of high quality (Pushman and Chung,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Classical Economists and Their Philosophy Literature review
Classical Economists and Their Philosophy - Literature review Example All the terms are part of the business strategy which is actually and play a decisive role in constructing marketing tactics (Stigler, 1957). The classical economists had always talked about business tactics. The idea of growth and competitor business strategy is part of their explanation. Here are some who described economics and behavioural finance in all different perspective: Among major terminologies of economics, the classical economists have given much importance to the term â€Å"Competition†. Competition is something that surrounds the basic business environment, in which there are competitors, consumers and the market. Entrepreneurs call it a â€Å"business constraint†, as it changes for the success or failure of business at the same time. The economists have provided several teachings in understanding the term â€Å"competition†. This is for the business strategists and those who seek technical strength for competing in the market. In the late 19th cen tury just after World War II ended, the term â€Å"competition†was felt in different occasions of the business culture. The business strategists discussed it on all intense occasions of the business and tried to fit it in different situations like in a situation of a â€Å"perfect market†or a situation of â€Å"business equilibrium†(balance of supply and demand). ... According to Smith, one is excessive supply tactics where the prices get automatically high for competition, while the other is fewer supply tactics where the prices increase and set a demand. This is how competition floats in the market, and the rivals plan according to the same effective strategy (Stigler, 1957). Adam Smith emphasized on following five conditions which set a competitive advantage of one entrepreneur to another: The competitors should work independently instead of working collectively. A competitor should attain an advantage by minimizing the advantage for the next competitor. The competitor should attain full knowledge of the market to attain a parallel advantage. The competitors are free to work on such knowledge. Resources should be vitally utilized in order to stabilize the presence in the market. The following above statements worked in the agriculture sector where there is no such â€Å"monopoly â€Å"according to modern economists. However, the idea of comp etition is quite clear in a general way as everyone knew how to race in an environment where the competition is simply to bid one another. This is the definition of â€Å"business environment†which modern economists summarize in their literature work (Stigler, 1957). John Elliott Cairnes and â€Å"Industrial Competition†J.E.Cairnes a pioneer of classical economist got labelled in Industrial competition. He described competition as a condition where there is an exchange of capital and labour between the Industrial partners. He focused on the environment of non-competing Industrial groups. In case of capital, his ideology got successfully applied as capital is easy to transfer and sacrifice, but in the labour, it gets hard because the workmen are solely dedicated to their specialized field and cannot compromise their profession in terms of extra remuneration or wage. Â
Culture and Hipster Central Dogma Essay Example for Free
Culture and Hipster Central Dogma Essay Hipster is a subculture of young (15 25), urban middle class adults and older teenagers that appeared in the 1990s.The subculture is associated with non-mainstream lifestyle. They value independent thinking, progressive politics, creativity, intelligence and non-mainstream fashion sensibility. Most of them can be found living in the big cities like New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. Also hipsterism is often intertwined with distinct fashion sensibilities .Hipsters reject the culturally-ignorant attitudes of mainstream consumers, and are often be seen wearing vintage, tight jeans, old-school sneakers, and often thick rimmed glasses. Men and women hipsters have similar androgynous hair styles that include combinations of dirty shag cuts and asymmetric side-swept bangs. Such styles are the work of creative stylists at urban salons, and are usually not mainstream. Despite the misconception made ​​on the external image, hipsters tend to be well educated in sciences, which require certain creative analytical thinking abilities. This leads to the fact that they find themselves in creative works, such as music, art, and fashion industries. It is a myth that most hipsters are unemployed and live off of their parents trust funds. Hipsters shun mainstream, It is part of the hipster central dogma not to be influenced by mainstream advertising and media. This is tends to only promote ethnocentric ideals of beauty, the concepts of androgyny and feminism have influenced hipster culture, where hipster men are often as thin as the women they date. Women view the muscular, athletic and other male ideals as symbols of their oppression, sexism, and misogyny. Likewise, culturally-vapid sorority-type girls with fake blond hair, overly tanned skin, and Britney Spears tube-tops are not seen as attractive by cultured hipster males who instead see them as symbols of female insecurity, low self-esteem, and lack of cultural intelligence and independent thinking. Likewise, girls with fake blond hair and overly tanned skin are not seen as attractive by cultured hipster males who instead see them as symbols of female insecurity, low self-esteem, and lack of cultural intelligence and independent thinking. There are many interracial couples in hipster subculture because they are very racially open-minded. Although hipsters are conformists within their own subculture, in comparison to the much larger mainstream mass they are pioneers latest cultural trends and ideals. For example many bands have become successful and known to mainstream audiences only because hipsters first found and listened to them as early-adopters of new culture. Once certain concepts of fashion and music have reached mainstream audiences, hipsters move on to something new and improved. Once something from fashion and music have reached mainstream audiences, hipsters move on to something new. Because of the rise of various online photo-blog and social networking sites, insights into urban hipster culture is reaching sheltered suburban audiences at an exponential rate. Cultural norms have been deconstructed by hipster culture as a whole.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Jetsmart Engineering Parts Management System
Jetsmart Engineering Parts Management System Jetsmart Engineering parts management system Q: What were the main factors that played a major role in the flop of the $40 million project? This report was commissioned to examine the failure of an IT project called Jetsmart at Qantas airlines. The project initially costed $40 million but miserably failed to stand up to its expectations. We interrogated the potential reasons of the failure with the help of information and data available online. Methods of analyzing included questioning the scope of the project, identification of key stake holders and difficulties in communication due to complex IT structure at Qantas. Most of the IT projects by Qantas faced failures even though they have invested millions of dollars on IT. These failures had a huge impact on Qantas but that didnt stop them from investing in IT. Qantas began its long haul modernization plan simply after the organizations IT framework had turned out to be perplexing and awkward. This evident lack of common sense put the whole overhaul program, including its individual venture segments, at expanded hazard. The purpose of the project Jetsmart was to provide assistance to the engineers in the repairing of aircrafts. But it actually increased their workload and they completely refused to use the system. One of the major reason was that engineers (eventual users) were not engaged in the development phase of the project. They had no say in this until project was actually implemented. They lacked proper training and knowledge regarding the usage of the new software. Besides this, unstructured top level management was another factor which played a vital role in projects failure. It lacks proper communication ability with the mechanics and engineers. Only if there was flexibility within the communication channel, this project might have been cancelled in the initial stages. This could have saved Qantas a lot of time and not to mention $40 million. Qantas Airways is the banner transporter aircraft of Australia and its biggest carrier by armada estimate, universal flights and global goals. It is the third most seasoned carrier on the planet, after KLM and Avianca having been established in November 1920. It started worldwide traveler flights in May 1935. As of March 2014, Qantas had a 65% share of the Australian residential market and conveyed 14.9% of all travelers going all through Australia. It additionally works different auxiliary aircrafts to local focuses and on some trunk courses inside Australia under the QantasLink standard. Its backup Jetconnect gives benefits amongst Australia and New Zealand, flying under the Qantas mark. Qantas likewise possesses Jetstar Airways, a minimal effort carrier that works both universal administrations from Australia and local administrations inside Australia and New Zealand; and holds stakes in various other Jetstar-marked aircrafts. In February, 2008, Qantas scratched off Jetsmart, a $40 million engineering parts IT system. Inability to draw in the specialists who might be the possible clients of the framework into the prerequisites and configuration forms brought about a framework that the users esteemed to be unusable once it was propelled. After only a couple of years in operation (amid which time some staff declined to utilize it and unions undermined mechanical activity), the framework was dumped and another framework was presented. In this report we will examine the significance of IT in Qantas carriers and research the potential explanations behind the disappointment of such ventures. In spite of the fact that contributing a great many dollars on IT (roughly $430.98 million AUD on yearly premise since 2005), a large portion of the ventures did by Qantas were brought about to disappointment. The effect of these disappointments was cataclysmic for Qantas Group, however despite everything they have faith in putting resources into IT. Main focus will be on the engineering parts management system JetSmart. What were the main factors that played a major role in the flop of the $40 million project? And how those factors could have been avoided if the project was to be successful? The Qantas Groups long term vision is to achieve the status of worlds best premium airline as well as best low fare carriers. As indicated by the financial review report, Qantas are concentrating on five basic objectives keeping in mind the end goal to accomplish this. These objectives are safety is our first priority, right aircraft right routes, customer service excellence, operational efficiency and two strong complementary brands. IT has helped the flight business flourish. In todays aggressive world IT and Business methodologies ought to be firmly adjusted to make progress particularly in the carrier business. At Qantas it is trusted that the IT systems determine the business methodologies. Safety is Our First Priority: To accomplish worlds best well-being hones so as to give clients sentiment security IT finds flyers who may posture danger to others in flight utilizing database frameworks. Utilization of amazing scanners for examining of things can likewise uncover things that could be of potential danger to different flyers. Right Aircrafts Right Routes: Fleet restoration with better navigational framework, giving ideal courses to flyers. Online flight booking uncovers ideal courses. Realizing that you are in the right flight by legitimate filtering of tickets by means of the scanners before loading onto the flight. Customer Service Excellence: Qantas views fabulous client benefit as the foundation of the business. IT conveys Qantas administrations nearer to the client. It permits 24 hours a day and 365 days consistently benefit, for instance online flight booking framework. It helps data in a flash be accessible for the clients. IT additionally catches client inputs by means of sites or portable appointments which help to additionally enhance services. Operational Efficiency: Significant IT anticipates are in progress to help expand profitability at Qantas. Private email administrations and groupware help in better joint effort between offices, representatives, clients and providers at Qantas. IT helps rushing the improvement of more open and inventive societies that can prompt to Operational Efficiency. Two Strong Complementary Brands: For Qantas and Jetstar to be the best premium and low charge brands, online pursuit of various carriers flight times and tolls can help Qantas contend. Because of the quick extension of the Airline Industry and the focused way of charges and flight bargains, interest in IT is vital as it can prompt to development which will give Qantas driving edge. Qantas had made a substantial investment in venture Jetsmart in mid-2004, which was viewed as a vital initial phase in the organizations interest in new data innovation frameworks to drive its support, repair and upgrade operations. The Jetsmart framework was an interval stage to hold together Qantas current frameworks until they settled on a substitution framework. Consequently Jetsmart will in time be eliminated and the new framework will supplant it. In February, 2008, Qantas drop Jetsmart, a management framework usage that cost them $40 million. Issues with the venture backpedal to no less than 2004, when the union entered a debate with Qantas, asserting the product pointlessly expanded its individuals workload. It obliged engineers to do extra information section and bookkeeping work. Around then, the union exhorted mechanics utilized at Qantas to not help with the execution. Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association government secretary Steve Purvinas said support specialists discovered Jetsmart unusable. Mr Purvinas faulted the issues with Jetsmart for Qantas administration, which he said was not doing whats needed to elevate experienced engineers to senior administrative parts. Purvinas clarified the product was inadequately outlined and hard to utilize, and that engineers didnt get adequate training. Management is not qualified to determine what the software needs. Jetsmart was a white elephant that didnt work. When you have an airplane holding 400 passengers that needs repair, you fix the plane, not play with software, said Mr. Purvinas. (Qantas to Axe 40 Million IT System) Qantas Engineering executive general manager David Cox admitted there were problems with the Jetsmart system. Mr Cox said During the development phase some issues arose with the system, training and the management of change. It became obvious that the IT structure at Qantas is complex. There was again huge loss of revenue and another major IT project failure which again cost loss of shares and investors pulling plug on investments. Attitude towards the engineers that resulted to strike gave the management bad reputation. Media embarrassment for Qantas continued as they had no faith in their engineers and began outsourcing maintenance, repair and overhaul operations. (Qantas Why Do Projects Fail?) There were many causes regarding the scope and implementation of the project. Conflict between stakeholders and lack of change managements vision led to the disastrous failure of the whole project. Failed to identify key stakeholders Qantas should have identify the people and groups that were important to the success or failure of the project. In case of Qantas, upper tier and middle tier should have had continuous communications with the engineering department and considered them a key stake holder for the success of the Jetsmart. Qantas considered only the management department which wasnt a viable alternative to the important of the engineering sector. (Impact of It on Airlines Sector Qantas Group Management Essay) In the process, Qantas should have analyzed and documented relevant information with respect to both the management and engineering sector of their interests, interdependencies, influence, involvement, and potential impact on the success of the project. Lack of stakeholder engagement Stake holder engagement was another issue in the process of the implementation of Jet Smart. There should have been emphasis on continuous communications with stake holders regarding their expectations and needs throughout the project life cycle. This would have helped the company establish the dos and donts of the implementation of the new management system. Change management failure Monitoring of the overall project holder relationship and plan for engaging stakeholders was completely absent in throughout the project implementation. The engineers who were supposed to be the eventual users of the software had no proper knowledge of the system. They were lacking the training on how to effectively and efficiently use the new software. This could have been avoided and couldve eventually led to a possible success of the project. Proper engagement should have been constructed between the management and engineering department as a smooth engagement between two important stakeholders would have contributed to proper resolving of grieve and resentment with the new management system. Complex structure Qantas Group has an unstructured administration that needs correspondence capacity and does not comprehend IT issues. A decentralization of the venture administration and building divisions are imperative so as to expand time and productivity of tasks. Additionally all departmental administrators, financial specialists, extend directors and worker agents should be incorporated into system arranging gatherings to enhance correspondence and to share views. To conclude Qantas has been pretty much out of luck when it comes to undergoing IT projects. Jetsmart was an utter failure of the Qantas group and cost them loss in revenue and reputation. The inability to engage stakeholders (engineers) in the initial stages of the project was one of the factors of project failure. Strong union tides led to the unacceptability of the new software among engineers and mechanics. The scope of the project was to increase the performance of the system and to be more time efficient. Jetsmart But it failed to do so as this scope was not aligned with interests of stakeholders. Eventually the project was dumped by Qantas in 2008. We trust Qantas is balanced for progressing IT disappointment: complex specialized foundation, obsolete legacy frameworks, authority that doesnt comprehend fundamental IT issues, union issues, and a recorded example of disappointment join to paint a questionable future. Its fascinating to take note of the organizations IT consumptions expanded 8% in the second 50% of 2006 and 26% in a similar period for 2007. Now Qanats has replaced the old Jetsmart management system with project Marlin and hopes it will reduce maintenance and repair cost. Lets see what future holds for this new venture. References  Impact of It on Airlines Sector Qantas Group Management Essay. UKEssays. N.p., 2006. Web. 18 Feb. 2017. Krigsman, Michael. Qantas Airways: A Perfect Storm for IT Failure? | Zdnet. ZDNet. N.p., 2017. Web. 16 Feb. 2017. Qantas Why Do Projects Fail? N.p., 2017. Web. 19 Feb. 2017. Qantas to Axe 40 Million IT System. The Australian. N.p., 2017. Web. 16 Feb. 2017.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Lord of the Flies :: essays research papers
     The difference in the way humans perceive things is apart of mankind. Golding believes evil is an inborn characteristic. Are people born evil or is it just human nature to do â€Å"wrong†or â€Å"bad†things simply to survive? Golding’s pessimism about human nature would suggest people are all naturally evil in one way or another. When innocent boys are set on an island without any adult supervision, are they going to do the â€Å"good†or the â€Å"bad†things? There actions simply are neither good nor evil; their actions are for survival in an unknown place.      Humans are always, by natural instinct, going to do what they think is best for them. Ralph attacked his own kind for survival. People will do anything to survive, even if it’s the bad things. The boys on the island later began to resemble the behavior of animals. The boys mistake Simon for their beast and result in brutally killing him. The boys had the instinct of killing anything in sight that looked or seemed like the beast.      Instincts are not about being good or bad because the issue of being good or bad is undefined. Whether an action is either good nor bad, it all depends on the person and how the person is acting. If you think you’re doing something that you’re used to doing and thinking it’s right, but on the other hand a person who doesn’t know you may say that you’re ding something evil. The opinions on which people think things are good or evil depends on both sides. In Lord of the Flies, there is a situation with Piggy’s glasses, which is the key item for building the fire. His glasses were stolen in the night, which leads to a brawl within the kids because their Piggy’s only seeing ability.      Society sets a mold for the â€Å"good†and â€Å"bad†conditions that humans are learning from day to day. The role of society in being good or evil is that it acts as the guideline for that long-lived dream of acceptance. It’s where evil is what will make you repulsive. Jack manipulates the boys into joining his tribe and sets up his territory on the island. He threatens people to join his tribe, and hunts those who refuse. A society could not exist where people are brought u to know what they define as right or wrong. On the island, the civilized rules of having water, shelter, and food are not followed.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Mercury Symbol Essay -- Sex Gender Crossdresser Transsexual Essays
The Mercury Symbol My mom’s former boyfriend Rick, now known as Andrea, became a woman over a decade ago. Andrea is a transgender person whom the Mercury symbol represents. For transgender people, the Mercury symbol stands for their personal inner striving to become the gender they feel they were meant to be, equality, and pride. Happily, Andrea and my mom have remained friends since she became a woman. For many people who cross the gender line, acceptance does not always come so easily. Transgender is defined as appearing, wishing to be considered as, or having undergone surgery to become a member the opposite sex. There are many terms for or associated with transgender people, which people may also link to the Mercury symbol, such as transvestite, transsexual, crossdresser, intersexed (Wellesley College). The symbol is meant to express the balance of feminine and masculine traits within an individual. Some transgender people are open about their feelings while others, for fear of societal rejection, hide their pain for years and sometimes forever. The Mercury symbol dates back to ancient Greek mythology. Hermes (Mercury) and Aphrodite (Venus) had a child that possessed both male and female sexual organs. They named the child Hermaphroditus, which is where the term hermaphrodite originally came from. The Mercury symbol is made up of three parts: the crescent moon, the cross, and the ring. The crescent moon represents masculinity, while the cross represents the feminine and the ring stands for the individual surrounded by the struggle with gender. (forPLU) In today’s society, it is not easy to be an openly transgendered person and wear this symbol on your sleeve. Most people fear what is different... ... strength they show by changing their gender and way of life. Bibliography â€Å"I wonder what that means.†Wellesley College’s Queer Resource Handbook. 2000. Wellesley College. 28 Sept. 2004 < > â€Å"Normal.†Movie Tome. 2003. Movie Tome. 29 Sept. 2004 < > Stone, Sandy. â€Å"Transgender.†1999. Sandy Stone. 29 Sept. 2004 < > â€Å"Symbols of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Movements.†Lambda Community Services. 2001. Lambda. 27 Sept. 2004 < > â€Å"Symbolic signatures.†2000. 27 Sept. 2004 < >
Friday, October 11, 2019
Popular Culture: Effects of Big Corporations on Society Essay
The field of business plays an important role in the economies of various countries as well as the financial robustness of the world market. In this realm, big corporations have larger responsibilities in steering the direction of the economy in terms of the decisions that they make and the operations that they do. Their influence is not merely over other smaller corporations or companies because they also have a great impact in the society. These large corporations affect the society in numerous ways especially when it comes to the different means by which they approach their clients in marketing their products or services. However, the impact of these corporations still needs to be analyzed especially on how they shape the society at large. There are observable advantages and disadvantages that big corporations have over the general public that must be given due attention. It is the aim of this paper to identify and discuss the role of large corporations in the society. In line with this, the part that big corporations contribute in the field of business and in sustaining the needs and wants of the public will also be emphasized. Furthermore, the methods that most of these companies use in their business operations like commercials, advertisements, and mainstream media will also be accounted for. Lastly, the impact and effects of large corporations and the means that they use will also be assessed in terms of how it control the trends and fads in the society as well as how an individual view his or her self. Large Corporations Despite the feeling of some people with regards to the behaviour and mode of operation of large corporations, they cannot deny that this institution also have a contribution in the society. These corporations are mainly responsible in the material well-being of most people. It is through the services and products that they render that the public could be able to have their necessities like food, clothing, and shelter. Almost all corporate employees work everyday in order to cater to the needs and wants of the people. This kind of situation is very observable in the current society wherein almost everything in the lives of most individuals involves corporate business. The corporations have its faults and failures but the fact still remains that the corporation is an efficient institution that was created by human beings for the purpose of distributing resources for individual’s usage (Bishop). However, the corporations’ efficiency in doing its purpose comes with a cost. Some people are saying that in order for the corporation to function the society must give this institution the leeway when it comes to societal constraints so that they can pursue material ends. Having the freedom from political, moral, and ethical concerns has largely benefited these corporations but these have been a source of frustration by most governmental and social organizations. Serious concerns have resulted in the leniency that corporations has such as: pollution, environmental degradation, product disposal, natural resource depletion, worker welfare, urban decay as well as the long-term health effects from their improper waste management. According to Bishop Rooke, these issues are indeed important and must be immediately address. However, if the corporations were not given the freedom with regards to societal constraints then this would dampen the development of the modern industrial society. The World of Marketing Baker regards marketing as a field of discipline and an endeavour which existed for a considerable amount of time in the world to date but remains to be something that still brings fascination and wonders to today’s organizations (3). The primary goal and focus of the efforts of marketing is to inform the people with regard to the products and services (Steinberg 1). For large corporations, this is used in launching the products and services that they have and introducing it to their target market with the idea that the population from the said group should be enticed to buy the product that is being presented. This serves as the connection between the companies and the society wherein the former infuses several values to the latter through the use of different forms of media such as that of the television, the radio, the internet, the newspapers, and other print and visual forms so long as it allows them to create an image for the products. In doing so, the companies are able to make their corresponding contribution to the popular culture of the society. As previously mentioned, there are certain values that are sent with the marketing efforts of the companies. In identifying the relationship between popular culture and the different forms of marketing campaigns that affect it, it is important to define what popular culture means. McGowan and Kitson defines popular culture as â€Å"entertainment that is produced by the culture industries, composed of symbolic content, mediated widely, and consumed with pleasure†(138). Popular Culture and Marketing of Large Companies The relationship between popular culture and the marketing of large companies may be seen as two-fold. Popular culture serves as the sources of ideas for the marketing efforts of the large companies. Just the same, the biases that are contained within the marketing activities, such as advertising, commercials, and mainstream media, also affect and revolve back into the popular culture of the society. The latter relationship between the two serves as the focus of the next discussion. Several forms of technological advances today has allowed the large companies to create images within their advertisements, which may or may not reflect what is real. While deception could be seen as an element of the marketing efforts and activities, people could not easily filter this easily. These images created by the large companies easily â€Å"circulate in culture†(Schroeder 7). This is because of the ease that is associated with technological advancements to reach a wider set of audience and deliver their messages with much impact. A classic example of how the media has affected the popular culture is the way the concept of beauty is reflected and perceived by people. For example, companies such as Max Factor and Ponds, large corporations which deal with products related to aesthetics, are giving much emphasis on beauty that adheres to the standards of the white Europeans and Americans (Moreno 137). It is important to note that since these large companies caters to international consumers, they are able to affect the perceptions of people from outside the European and American countries with regard to beauty. The result is a notion created that people need to be white, tall, slim, and adopt the characteristics of people from these countries in order to become beautiful. In a sense, the advertisements and the commercials launched by the large companies have limited the images of beauty and make a limited sense of the values and characteristics that people should accept. Along with this, discrimination is felt by those who are not able to follow the trends set by the marketing campaigns of the large companies. Likewise, the very nature of these companies, wherein they are capable of making big initiatives, are financially stable, and are able to establish their names and credibility, has strengthened their impact with that of the society. To a certain extent, their words are seen as something that people follow because they have created a sense of influence and are seen as leaders in the industries to which they belong. Conclusion Large companies have affected the society in several ways. First, they have made their organizations available and answerable to the different societal concerns. This is brought about by the need for them to abide by the principles of corporate social responsibility. Second, they have affected the popular culture such that their marketing efforts have led them to send messages and images that are accepted by the society. It is important for the people to filter these images. Likewise, it is necessary that a review of the ethical conducts of the companies is maintained.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Major Informative Speech
There are many controversial topics we can spend hours talking about and have deferent points of view on. My favorite one is the one that argues If under aged kids should be tried as adults or not. This topic has so many different points of views that there will never be an exact answer on If children should be tried as adults or not. This topic Is very Interesting because every case Is different, meaning that because there are different variables that led kids to get In trouble we can never say that all kids should be treated as adults because their level of crime is ever the same.Viewing each case as its own is the only way that someone can decide on whether or not they can be seen as kids or adults, I don't think this topic should be generalized into a yes or no. Of course, everybody has different views on things and in these next few paragraphs I will take into consideration different people's opinions as well as why some people think this should be a firm yes or no. BODY 1) Hist ory and Definitions: a) It Is estimated that as many as 250,000 youth annually are prosecuted as adults. (â€Å"Juvenile Law Center. †Youth In the Adult System.Campaign for Youth Justice, Jan. 2013. Web. 07 Cot. 2014. ) I) It is known that the youth that go into adult jails are five times more likely to be raped and mistreated by others in those jails. B) Fourteen states have no minimum age for trying children as adults. Children as young as eight have been prosecuted as adults. (Areola, Jorge N. â€Å"Children in Prison. †Equal Justice Initiative. N. P. , 27 Seep. 2013. Web. 01 Cot. 2014. ) c) An adult sentence is where a young person under the age of 18 is found guilty of an indictable offence for which n adult is liable to imprisonment.TRANSITION: The law has certain requirements children under the age of eighteen must reach In order to be tried as an adult. 2) Major arguments in favor of children getting tried as adults a) As you grow up you know what is right an d wrong because in most homes there are rules and if there isn't there are rules at school. Children know that it is not okay to hit someone in school because they will not go out to recess if they do so. Having some sort of punishment teaches kids that there are certain things that are not acceptable at any mime. Children know when they are doing something wrong. If a 14 year old shoots someone, they should be in prison. If they kill someone, they should be tried as an adult. You don't need to be 18 to understand the results of ending a human life. [Page, Arians P. â€Å"Should Children Be Tried as Adults? †The Premier Online Debate Website. N. P. , 04 Jan. 2014. Web. 03 Cot. 2014. ]) b) When a child is not tried as an adult on a crime that Is most likely to be done by an adult, they will think that because they were cut off on the punishment It will most likely happen again and hey will do it again. Our youth today need to learn that it is not okay to commit teach them too many things that later in life turn into reality and that is when we regret letting them get away with so many things. [North, Anon. â€Å"Once a Criminal Always a Criminal. †By Boxcar. N. P. , 28 June 2011. Web. 03 Cot. 2014. ]) c) Children not being charged when a crime is committed will later think they have gotten away with their crime. This leads the law to charge them even if that means treating them as adults. Making a punishment for them let's them know that no matter what age here will be consequences to their actions. In the case of homicide, â€Å"my choice is either to charge him as an adult, or don't charge him,†said John Bonging of the Lawrence County District Attorney's Office. â€Å"Not charging him at all wasn't feasible. †[Chin, Stephanie. CNN. Cable News Network, 15 Mar. 2010. Web. 05 Cot. 2014. ]) TRANSITION: The points Eve made my research on show the lessons kids will get from their crimes that have gone too far to what their brain shou ld even be thinking of at such a young age. I think this also shows other kids how bad their punishments can e if they ever think of doing anything like that.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Students should not do H.W after school day Essay
Students should not do H.W after school day - Essay Example Adding more studies in the evening only makes it worse for them. Their minds cannot focus accurately in academics at this time of the day, and all they require is some time to rest. This resting period is vital since it allows the brain to process whatever they learned during the day, and to internalize it. Secondly, sporting activities are neglected over the excuse of having too much homework to do after school. The lack of sports and gaming activities creates lazy and unhealthy students, since they have no time to keep fit. The hours after the school day should be used by the sports teams to practice and perfect their gaming techniques. These sporting activities are essential for brain growth and development. They relieve students of any stress they got in class. This time, when used in sports, will allow for the planning of tournaments with the neighboring schools and other community teams. These tournaments create new social networks that are very useful in life. They also enhance the sharing of ideas and knowledge among students of different schools (McManus, 2005). Another reason why students should not do homework after the school day is taking part in community work (Royse, 1999). There are many voluntary activities that students can take part in, including the cleaning of the environment, visiting the sick and attending to the homeless people. They can also plant trees and hold community education forums, whereby they can educate the public on matters affecting the modern world. Such factors include soil erosion, environmental pollution, communicable diseases, and wildlife conservation. These forums are important in enlightening the community. The charity events that involve taking care of the less fortunate also help build responsible, understanding and caring students (Hothersall, 2010). It is also clear that some students have after-school jobs to cater for their school fees (Lincoln, 1999). As such, they should be
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Japanese American History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Japanese American History - Essay Example Having taken the usual sciences as its standard in terms of create valid, generalizable and prognostic hypothesis, modern sociology is frequently critiqued for its incapability to produce such hypothesis in relation to the social globe. No doubt, this research is fraught at the start. Social science cannot create this type of hypothetical knowledge and neither be supposed to it effort to as the individual world is far too multifaceted and our sympathetic of it is always context reliant. What is necessary, he goes on to argue, is not a turn towards post positivist or postmodernist reductionism, but a latest way of conceptualizing social science so that it can get back its position as a sensible, thinker action. Furthermore, this topic of Japanese Americans and World War II is obviously the most written regarding episode in Asian American narration and perhaps is the mainly recognized past event of meaning to Asian Americans between modern Americans. That reminiscence is perpetuated, in both books and the public dialogue, in immense part by those who, like Myers, emphasize the past to safe the future. Japanese American To these split ends, a spatial explanation of the Japanese American imprisonment story must generate newest signs, factually, new road signs directly the entire Americans to those unremembered facial appearance of the Southwestern scenery. Those narratives necessitate generating novel chart modalities to meet head-on those available landmarks from side to side which social agendas are required, identities are openness, and precise desires are elicited. At an essential level, these narratives have to forward the tourist's sight. As things place now, tourists often decrease the countryside of the Southwest to something inspiring, religious, or beneficial, all founded on images of sun, desert, blue skies, dramatic gorge lands and mesas, cacti and coyotes, adobe structural design, living Indians, and extra symbols of a unlike civilization. But in addition such bearers of attitude and civilization, the landscape of Southwest are supposed to also be evocative tourists and others of that ap palling Thing, the custody. Internment Activities From the amount of novel literature faithful to the internment, we might believe this facing up to the appalling Thing is charming place. Certainly, there is a rapidly rising body of writing concerning this Japanese American knowledge. For instance, the main collection of Japanese American internment narratives, It exemplify on a diversity of voices of internment; on internees diaries, letters, stories, poems, and biographies; and on information accounts as well as authorized government declarations. In adding up, there have been recurrent sequential studies of and orientation guides to the Japanese American wartime information. These include the Encyclopedia of Japanese American History, Japanese American Internment all through World conflict II. Additional, in the preceding decade, we have seen more than a few more individual accounts of the internment camps, and the list is still increasing. Historical Background At the beginning of 1941, Japanese expansion in the pacific was countered by the USA. Japans profession of northern Indo-China provoked the USA to oblige restriction on Japan; which was hold up by the British and Dutch. The USA ended its trade agreement by means of Japan and decided additional loans to China. A whole halt to all petroleum products by the USA, the British and the Dutch aggravated a main disaster and a argument. Thus, the option appeared to the Japan either obedience to the USA or the use of military force to safe latest sources of oil and raw material. Moreover, Japan chosen second option and ultimately concerned her in to the war. Japan and the allies carried out number of
Monday, October 7, 2019
Diversity in Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Diversity in Organizations - Essay Example Both these aspects are considered unhealthy for organization’s growth and sustenance. To tackle issues arising from discrimination, organizations have started to adopt diversity management as a tool to tackle discrimination at workplace. This can be best evidenced by the Kosek and Lobel’s model (1996), cited by Mor-Barak and Travis (2005), of diversity management approach through diversity enlargement, diversity sensitivity, cultural audit and strategies for achieving organizational outcomes. Diversity management policies to promote equality in organizations have been widely adopted worldwide, in compliance to legislation and also to derive better business results. However, the results are not uniform across all nations and across same organizations in different regions of the world. Various factors attributing to distinct results and impacts of diversity management policies point to the differing perceptions, attitudes, social behaviors, and interpretations of policies . All these factors describe the diversity climate within the organization. Diversity climate is defined as "organizational members' attitudes and perceptions toward people from cultural groups other than their own." It is important to assess the diversity climate in order for organizations to implement diversity management practices and/or bridge gaps wherever necessary. ... The main questions in the questionnaire include: 1. How would you rate your management/leadership support in terms of communication of opportunities and work performance. 2. To what extent is diversity addressed in formal policies like organizational mission statement, HR policies, practices etc. 3. To what extent do you get opportunities to refer your friends and other members belonging to diverse cultural groups for a job at your workplace? 4. To what extent do you and your colleagues get fair treatment by your supervisors/managers? 5. To what extent do you feel your workplace practices attempt to include all members of the organization. 6. How would you rate the way the organization and your leaders welcomed you when you joined. 7. Do you get adequate resources and support to carry out your work in an appropriate manner? 8. To what extent do the organizational activities encompass different cultural perspectives? 9. How would you rate your overall positive experiences with respect to diversity at workplace? 10. To what extent have you heard someone passing comments that depicted discrimination? This questionnaire could be measured on a 5-point Likert scale, from 1 to 5 (1=Strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=neither disagree nor agree; 4=Agree and 5=Strongly Agree). Based on the rating, responses can be categorized into three main categories namely, benefits of diversity, inclusion of diversity policies, and justice with respect to discrimination. This categorization will help in assessing which aspect is outweighing the diversity climate within the organization. Accordingly, necessary actions can be taken in terms of training and diversity management practices. Kossek and Lobel’s
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion in Urban and Suburban Spaces Essay
Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion in Urban and Suburban Spaces - Essay Example The environment that surrounds the dead, that coldness and loneliness, together with all the mythical ghosts so to say; literally drives fear in me. The fact that a mortuary is a place that, in every way, no matter how one tries to view it or interpret its purpose is a place that harbors or stores corpses is very scary to me. On the other hand, the safest place in the world, in my opinion, is the church. The stillness and serenity that is in the church gives one the sense of purpose and renewed sense in life. This is what gives me the peace to live a full, successful life. The church brings out the good in everything and everyone even death. It gives hope that there is life after death. Although, we may lose loved ones through death, we have the hope of seeing them again in the next life. It teaches us that we should live this life with joy and peace valuing everyone we meet in life because it is this peaceful living, which helps one live a complete and happy life. These two environments are total opposites of one another. One environment is very hostile and unfriendly; the other one is very friendly and serene. The coldness, loneliness and deathly aura that surrounds a mortuary, bring with it the feeling of fear and danger, while the peaceful and serene aura that comes with being in and around the church, brings with it peace and tranquility. These experiences that have showed me the geographical contrast of two situations that in one way or the other, affected my life, showed me that different environments bring out different experiences in one’s life and that all experiences no matter how trivial, affect us, in one way, or the other. The environment does affect how someone lives his or her life. Taking an example of the people living on the sidewalks who are accustomed to the hard surfaces even if their rights to vend there were taken away its been shown
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Practice exams Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Practice exams - Assignment Example By analyzing annual balance sheet, one is able to determine the economy-wide Assets, Net worth as well as liabilities. d. Analysis of a country’s international investment position as well as balance of payments- This is where one looks into investments a country has made in other parts of twirled and this forms part of the assets. c. Why do bank orientated financial systems compared to market orientated financial systems tend to have more severe economic downturns (or loss of output and bigger asset price falls) during a financial crisis? (3 marks) Financial systems relying on the banking systems tend to develop their own policies and therefore have their own pricing. On the other hand, market oriented work with tee current trends in the world economy and therefore it is easy for them to prepare for economic crisis. What are the four main supply-side factors that domestic policymakers can target in order to raise the â€Å"potential output/ income†of an economy? (4 marks) Provide a recent policy example for Australia. (1 mark) What are the potential costs and benefits for China to easing restrictions and eventually liberalizing cross-border capital flows between China and the rest of the world? (Pros and cons - 2 marks each = 4 marks) China should involve other participants in the financial markets in regulation and control of its growth credit and deposit rates. This will encourage more international investors into their financial systems. a. The current account surplus of China has reduced from over 10% of GDP in 2007 to a projected surplus of about 2.4% of GDP in 2014. While the US current account deficit has reduced from almost 5% of GDP in 2007 and forecast to be a deficit of about 2.8% of GDP in 2014. What does this indicate? (5 marks) b. A key driver of relatively low global bond yields in recent years has been the â€Å"global savings glut†, whereby many Asian & oil exporting countries ran large
Friday, October 4, 2019
Writing the Research Paper Essay Example for Free
Writing the Research Paper Essay 1. Identify the subject of your peer’s research paper? The research paper was an exposà © on the activities of hackers in gaining unauthorised access to the internet and the government action to deter them. Explain why the subject is too broad, too narrow, or appropriate for the length of the paper. The subject is too broad for this kind of paper because the paper was not able to touch on the fine details that would have made the subject more explicit to people who are not conversant with the computer. The writer made mention of a lot of terminologies that could have been explained if the paper had been longer. 2. The thesis statement is: stopping hackers from causing more harvoc. The sentence that, in my opinion, expresses this is : â€Å"Wi-Fi and ceasing the hackers endeavours†3. I have singled out this paragraph: â€Å"Protection against wireless hacking is extremely difficult to keep secure. There are products developed that require no configuration of any firmware or upgrades of any kind. Wave Security has developed this software. The software is used to detect any threats and secure the system. WaveSentinel handles intrusion detection, monitoring and logging for standard access points. WaveScanner integrates with the existing TCP/IP security scanners to reveal specific wireless vulneratbilities.†It is quite explicit as it attempted to find the solution to the nagging problem of illegally connecting to the internet via other people’s wireless connection. This paragraph is easy to comprehend and any reader would be eager to know more about this solution as it was presented as a very simple and attractive solution. 4â€Å"In all the precautions and security factors with Wi-Fi I have found it seems wardriving is still quite popular and hidden from most internet users knowledge. `Chances are that a WarDriver hacking a bank may get away with it, leaving the Wi-Fi owner the suspect. Thousands of clueless people, including those in tony apartments with wireless internet, have leaky networks-allowing anyone on the road easy access to the Web’ â€Å" 5. Paragraphs a. That need to be supported with more specific details. â€Å"This free wifi will reduce the hacker’s urge to steal and feel like the hacker did any monetary damage to you†â€Å"In all the precautions and security factors with Wi-Fi I have found it seems wardriving is still quite popular and hidden from most internet users knowledge†b. That contain any logical fallacies/faulty reasoning. Recommend strategies to improve the effectiveness of those paragraphs. I found these statements illogical to say the least. It seem as if the native language of the writer is not English language, or better still, the writer has not mastered the basic rules governing the use of the language. There are actually better ways of constructing these sentences that would be both simpler and more explicit. I hereby suggest the following amendments to the statements. Since the beginnings of computers capable of accessing wifi â€Å"from the time computers have been able to accessing the internet using the Wireless Fidelity (WIFi) technology hackers have had their enjoyment in war driving â€Å" in the times past, hackers have had a swell time enjoying War Diving† Data encryption needs to become harder for hackers to figure out â€Å"The technology of Data Encryption needs to be more sophisticated in order to deter intending and potential hackers from carrying out their heinous act† Protection against wireless hacking is extremely difficult to keep secure â€Å" Security against illegal intrusion is not an easy task to achieve†6. Identify places in the paper where the author fails to maintain an objective point of view. What steps would you recommend to the author to correct the problem? Throughout the paper, the writer made use of references to support his claims. He however lifted these phrases and the result is that they all did not blend with his own words, the tone was different. 7. Check the writer’s sources and documentation format for both in-text citations and the References page to ensure that they conform to APA requirements. Identify any errors that need to be corrected in the final draft. 8. Identify any missing elements for the essay (title, abstract, thesis statement, and support for claims, in-text citations, conclusion, or reference list). The title, abstract, thesis statement, in-text citations and conclusion were all included in the paper. 9. Identify any unity or coherence issues that you find. 10. Identify any areas where more effective use of transitional words and phrases would improve the coherence of the essay. In the body of the essay, the writer made use of several sources without regard for the tone of the words. Most of these references, however helpful they are, still ended up jumbling up the whole paper as the whole thing were distorted. 11. Additional Comments: The paper is very informative and it contained a lot of facts. However, the writer failed to sieve this facts to being out what could have been a more coherent paper. Most of the references contained information that enriched the paper. However, they all had different tones both formal and informal. The result is a collection of paragraphs that I can describe as disjointed. Coherence was lacking throughout.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Behaviourism As A Language Learning Theory English Language Essay
Behaviourism As A Language Learning Theory English Language Essay Introduction Human beings learn every now and then. According to Cambridge Advanced Dictionary (2003), learning can be defined as an activity of obtaining knowledge. We human usually learn or gain knowledge either in a conscious way or subconscious way. Learning is not necessary must be conducted in a formal way such as tutorial, class or lecture; however, we also learn when we having a conversation with others or be it listening to the radio. Learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice (1963, cited in Kimble and Garmezy, 1987, p.6). There are actually a few theories been used to describe how knowledge or language is acquired namely Behaviourism, Innatism and Interactionism. For the first part of this assignment will explain these theories various approaches and principles. Then, this paper will focus on the pedagogical implications of each theory in teaching English as a Second Language. Part two will focus on examining the underlying learning theories which could have influenced the teaching-learning activities from a textbook. By the end of this paper, students will be able to differentiate learning theories and adopt the most suitable ones into his/her teaching career. Behaviourism is the earliest language learning theory which is propounded by J.B. Watson (1878-1957) in 1913. This theory is supported and believed by some behaviourists who are Skinner, Pavlov and Thorndike; also, profoundly developed the theory of behaviourism on learning. Behaviourism focuses on observable behaviours which are changed as the symptoms of learning. According to Brown (1987: 17), the behaviouristic approach focuses on the immediately perceptible aspects of linguistic behaviour the publicly observable responses. Learning only occurs when there are changes in behaviour and observable as an evidence of changing. Feeling and mental process are not accepted in Skinners human behaviours theory; however, he still accepted the existence of mind. Behaviourists consider learning a language as a set of mechanical habits which are formed through a process of imitation and repetition. Humans learn a language through repeating the same form and text until it becomes a habit. Children imitate the sounds and patterns which they hear around (Lightbown Spada: 1999). So, it was proposed that learners would repeat words they heard and tried to use it in their conversation until it became a regular basis in life. Behaviourists therefore think that learning a language especially second language (L2) should be learnt through extensive drill and practice. Besides that, behaviourists also justified that learning a new language is learning a new set of habit. According to Ellis (1990), learning could be effected by manipulating the environment to provide the required experience. This lead to the theory formation of habit is related to the environment where learning process actually takes place. These habits formation and the environment are recognized as Stimulus-Response (S-R) by Pavlov and Skinner. In 1950s, school of psychology successfully prevailed S-R in the form of behaviourism to ensure the connection between both elements. Behaviourists might consider effective language behaviour to be the production of correct responses to stimuli (Brown: 1987). According to the theory, behaviour happens in casual, associative chains; all learning is thus characterized as associative learning, or habit formation, brought about by the repeated association of a stilmulus with a response Hadley (1993, cited in Hilgard 1962, p.45). So, its best kn own proponent, B.F. Skinner used rats conclude that conditioning has a 3-state procedure: stilmulus, response and reinforcement. From here, Skinner presumed that human learning and animal learning are parallel; thus, L2 learning is also similar as other kind of learning can be explained by the same laws as well as principles. Every process of learning has to be followed by reinforcement. All learning is the establishment of habits as the results of reinforcement and reward (Demirezen: 1988). In behaviourism, there are two different types of reinforcement. The first one is positive reinforcement, where the response or behaviour is strengthened and positively augmented by praise or reward. For instance, when a student answer a question correct and the teacher award him/her a star, then the student will try to answer another question because he/she is more confident and motivated. In contrast, the second reinforcement is negative reinforcement. If a student been scolded by his/her teacher after got the answer wrong, he/she would tend not to give answer by the next Q A session because it would make him/her feel embarrassed. In short, positive reinforcement helps learners develop correct habits. Furthermore, Behaviourist learning theory also claimed that old habits interfere with the acquisition of new ones. Learning of the L2 would be facilitated since all the learners had to do was to transfer L1 habits (Ellis: 1990). That means errors in first language learning (L1) are the result of interference in L2. It has to be avoided and prevent L1 interference happened as well as corrected on the spot if they do occur. One of the examples of extensively drilling in learning is Audio Lingual Method which is an American method. It is function as a structural approach designed to develop oral communication fluency in L2. Audio Lingual Method is focuses on accuracy (pronunciation and intonation), mistakes should be avoided and corrected immediately if it happened. Ellis (1990: 23) wrote: for learning to be effective habits had to become automatic. In short, language learnings pattern has to be over-learnt and the content based on common days dialogues as well as expression. If follow by the positive reinforcement which will help students to develop correct habits. By then, learning the structures of the language is more emphasized if compare to the vocabulary. Innatism In 1959, Noam Chomsky published Review of Verbal Behaviour to critically criticize Skinners theory of Behaviourism. Innatists claimed that linguistic knowledge is an abstract nature no solely on the set of mechanical habits (imitation and repetition). According to Ellis (1990), new grammatical forms were not acquired through imitation and not stamped in through practice. Language is too complex and occurs too rapidly for it to be learned through imitation. In other words, competence could not be achieved simply to performance due to insufficient of input to enable the child to discover the hidden rules (Ellis: 1990). For Chomsky, children are not necessary to be taught because they will learn in terms of walking at about same age; meanwhile, the environments contribute the most in learning. Chomsky and other linguists argued that children are credited with a special ability to discover the underlying rules of a language system within themselves. This innate and special ability is cal led Language Acquisition Device (LAD) or a little black box and Universal Grammar (UG) which exist in the brain. The LAD contains a set of abstract principles common to all languages which enables the child to produce infinite variety of sentences and construct grammatical sentences. UG was claimed to help children to extract the rules of their language and to avoid grammatical errors (Fromkin, Rodman, Hyams 2007). Therefore, a child has to listen and learn grammar to trigger the LAD or UG which then enables the child to discover the rules of the language. In short, human beings acquire and adapt language in any environment along with input of language or linguistic knowledge. Monitor Model In 1982, Stephen Krashen, who have had a great influence on language learning and acquisition by stimulated the Monitor Model. The Monitor Model consists of five hypotheses which are The Input Hypothesis, The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis, The Monitor Hypothesis, The Natural Order Hypothesis and The Affective Filter Hypothesis. The first hypothesis is Input Hypothesis. This hypothesis claimed that language acquisition takes place through comprehension input (CI). Comprehensible input is available when students or learners are able to understand messages and their attention is focused on meaning. Besides that, comprehensible input will only occur if the inputs forms and structures pitch one level above the level of student (CI = i + 1). Whatever it pitches one level above learners current level competence, both comprehension and acquisition will occur. Learners will not benefit anything in learning if the input has no element of challenge; however, they will not acquire the knowledge if the input is too difficult. Acquisition leads to the result of comprehensible input and not production or quantity. Comprehensible Input does not have to be fine-tuned and reading is crucial to language acquisition*. The second hypothesis is Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis. This hypothesis explained that adults have two distinct and independent ways to develop knowledge of a second language learning and acquisition. In Krashens view, a learner learns second language whereas a child picks up or acquires his/her mother tongue (first language). Learning is a conscious process with attention to form and error correction. In contrast, acquisition is a subconscious process when a learner is engaged in meaningful communication and focus is on meaning. Both acquired and learned knowledge are separately; therefore, learned knowledge cannot be converted into acquired knowledge. If learner acquires knowledge by naturally, the knowledge will be able to use spontaneously. The third hypothesis is Monitor Hypothesis. Krashen developed this hypothesis and urged that acquired knowledge is responsible for fluency and intuitive judgements about correctness. On the other hand, learnt knowledge can be put to conscious use through the Monitor. A learner will use the monitor through learnt knowledge to correct and check what they say is grammatically. This monitor operates only under three circumstances when there is sufficient time to self-correct, the focus is on form and knowledge of the rules being applied (Hadley: 1993). The fourth hypothesis is Natural Order Hypothesis where grammatical structures are acquired in a natural and predictable order. It shows the evidence whenever the focus is on communication. The last hypothesis is Affective Filter Hypothesis. Affect refers to things as motives, needs, attitures, and emotional states (Lightbown Spada 1999).This hypothesis is connected to the motivation factor. Cook (1993, cited in Krashen 1985, p.3) claims that in order for a learner to success in acquiring knowledge, CI is a necessary but not sufficient due to a mental block that prevents acquirers from utilizing the CI input they receive for language acquisition This mental block is called affective filter. The affective filter is low when the learners motivation and self-confidence is high as well as low anxiety; therefore, more input is available for acquisition. On the other hand, the affective filter is high when learners motivation and self-confidence are low. In short, the success of acquisition is controlled by the affective filter. Interactionism Krashen claimed that every human has a natural innate mechanism to learn a language along with comprehensible input (CI). However, Krashens CI came under challenge by few Applied Linguists namely Evelyn Hatch, Teresa Pica and Michael Long. Michael Long agrees with Krashen that CI is important for language acquisition but how input is made comprehensible (Lightbown Spada: 1999). Language develops as a result when interaction occurs between children and other speakers. Every learner has to converse and communicate with others in order to adapt what they have learnt which shows their competence and understanding. Therefore, a learner will develop his/her language ability when they take part in spontaneous interactions rather than straight drills (Nunen 1991). Correspondingly, Language acquisition is an outcome of interaction between the learners mental abilities and the linguistic environment (Rozzana: n.d.). Native speaker provides language input to language learner; meanwhile, language learner produces the language as the product of output through communication. In fact, interactional modifications usually take place when native speaker modify their speech in order to make their speech comprehensible. It is supported by Long (p.342) that modification is the vital and widely used method of making input comprehensible. Learners will be promoted and engaged into this modification and negotiation of meaning when there is a communication breakdown. There are few examples of interactional modifications which are comprehension checks, clarification requests, confirmation checks, self repetition/paraphrase and use of extralinguistic features. In addition, learners usually engage in learning when information is to be exchanged with each other. During the process of exchanging information or feedback after the conversation, output will be a route to language learning along with interactional modification. Besides that, two-way communication promotes more interactional modification than one-way communication. According to Rozzana (n.d.), for the learner to communicate, he must learn the language and in order to learn it he must communicate. This point often overlooked on how Bangladeshi workers in Malaysia can master simple Bahasa Malaysia although without attending formal tutorial. They acquire the language through social interaction in daily conversation; also, interact with the environment. Henceforth, Longs ideas are identical with Vygotskys theory of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) where learners acquire knowledge through interaction with the physical world (Lightbown Spada: 1999). Comprehension Output Both Michael Long and Stephen Krashen agree that CI as a source of acquisition. On the contrary, some interactionists argue that CI is not sufficient for language acquisition depends on some factors which cannot account for the whole of acquisition (cf. Long, 1989:10). Learners need to be instilled language development especially grammatical development. Besides that, learners must be pushed or forced to produce comprehensible target language in order for language development to occur. With this in mind, one of the activities which is called read and respond in Myline whereby students are assigned an article to read and given their opinion critically. So, students are not only received input from teachers whereas trigger their LAD while producing language, either spoken or written. Fours ways (reading, listening, writing and speaking) in which output might play a role in the process of second language learning have been proposed (Swain, 1985). Listening and reading could be the compr ehensible inputs different from speaking and writing which are comprehensible outputs. Learners are given the opportunities to test his/her hypothesis about the language through comprehensible output. This is especially so when learner notices a gap in his/her interlanguage system if there is a communication breakdown. Once the learner realize the gap in interlanguage system, he/she is likely to search their own linguistic knowledge for information which might help to close the gap; also, pay attention to relevant input (Swain, 1993). Hence, learner will focus on form and mismatches between input and output which may also provide some of the information a learner needs about what is not permissible in a language (Long, 1996). Last but not least, CI encourages semantic processing but CO encourages syntactic processing. Audio Lingual Method is a wise method to be used to learn a language; however, it is not enough to suit the advancement of language learning nowadays. Since this theory deduced that learning is a mechanical process but it does not account for the creativity evident in ones ability to produce novel utterances and childrens imitation of structures show evidence of almost no innovation (Brown 1987, Demirezen 1988). Students will find it hardly to converse in the target language when they step into the true sense of the world; also, unable to write or create new sentences.
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