Friday, January 31, 2020
Nuremberg Laws against the Jews Essay Example for Free
Nuremberg Laws against the Jews Essay The Nuremberg Laws were aimed at preserving the purity of the German race. One of the intentions of the Nuremberg Laws was to provide for who was considered to be a Jew or what it meant to be a Jew. This paper therefore examines the Nuremberg Laws, with an aim of answering the comparative question of what it meant to be a Jew according to the laws. The Nuremberg Laws stemmed from the Nazi Racial Legislation of 1935, which was aimed at upholding the perceived Germanic racial superiority, and promoting it as such. According to Hoss (2013), the national identity in Nazi Germany was required to hold an extremely more superior race. As Stimson (2013) points out, the German racial superiority was expected to be free from the Jews’ contamination. Hoss (2013) points out that during Nazi Germany, the Germans were considered better than Jews, and so the former was required to act in a manner that annihilated the latter. It is for this reason that Nuremberg Laws were formulated to define the identity of the Jews and minimize their contamination of the perceived German racial superiority, all in the hope of safeguarding the German nation for the entire future and upholding the perceive purity of the German blood (Ward Gainty, 2011). Article 5 of the Nuremberg Laws provided an elaboration of who was to be considered as a Jew. For instance, under Article 5(1) of the Nuremberg Laws, a person was to be considered as a Jew if he or she was a descendant of at least three grandparents who were racially full Jews. Article 5(1) was to be read together with the second sentence of part 2 of Article 2 of the Nuremberg Laws. Article 5(2) of the Nuremberg Laws also provided that a person shall be considered as a Jew if both of his or her parents were full Jews (Ward Gainty, 2012, p. 332). Under the statute of these formed laws (i. e. the Nuremberg Laws), a person was deemed to have descended from two full Jewish parents, if (a) he or she was a member of the Jewish religious community at the time the Nuremberg Laws came to force, or joined the said community after the laws came into force; (b) he or she was in a marriage relationship with a Jew at the time the laws come into force or entered into such a marriage after the laws had come into force; (c) he or she was born to at least a Jewish parent in a manner provided under Section 1, and if the marriage from which he or she is an offspring was constructed consequent to the coming into force of the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor; and (d) he or she was an offspring an extramarital relationship, that involved a Jew, in the sense of Section 1, and was to be born outside wedlock after the 31st day of July, the year 1936 (Ward Gainty, 2012). Section 1 of the Nuremberg Laws prohibited any form of marriage relationship between German nationals or kindred blood and Jew. Such marriages were to be considered illegal and against section 1 of the Nuremberg Laws even if, for purposes of evading the law, they were concluded outside Nazi Germany. An individual who happened to be a Jew as provided under Article 5 of the Nuremberg Laws, and as has been explained highlighted in the previous paragraphs, was prohibited, under Section 1 of the Laws, from contracting any marriage relationship with a German national or kindred blood, whether within Nazi Germany or overseas (Ward Gainty, 2012,). Similarly, Section 2 of the said laws prevented any Jew from entering into any outside marriage with German nationals or kindred blood. According to Hoss (2013) this was aimed at protecting the superiority of the German nation and preserving the purity of the German blood by ensuring that no child of German origin was born outside wedlock, and worse still, with a Jewish parent, since the Jews were not expected to mingle with the German nationals. The Nuremberg Laws did not target the Jews within the context of marriage per se, but also sought to limit the rights of the Jews in terms of free and fair management of their households. For instance, under Section 3 of the Nuremberg Laws, no Jew was allowed to employ a female German national or kindred blood as a domestic worker (Ward Gainty, 2012). This was construed by Hoss (2013) as a way of preventing incidents of master-servant abuses (e. g. sexual abuse of female German national domestic servants by their Jewish masters), and which could, in some cases, lead to the breach of Section 2 of the laws. The Jews were also prohibited from associating with both the Reich and the German national flag. For instance, Section 4 of the Nuremberg Laws prohibited any Jewish person from hosting the Reich and/or national flag as well as hosting the colours of the Reich (Ward Gainty, 2012). The punishments that were to be meted against the Jews who were deemed to have acted in breach of sections 1-4 of the Nuremberg Laws varied in nature, and were provided under Section 5 of the laws. For instance, acting contrary to Section 1 of the laws attracted hard labour as punishment, whereas that who breached Section 2 of the said laws was liable for imprisonment or hard labour (Ward Gainty, 2012). Similarly, Section 5 of the laws provided that whoever (i. e. any Jew) was found to have acted contrary to the provisions of Sections 3 and 4 of the laws would be liable for imprisonment for a period of not more than 1 year, and with a fine or with one of the penalties provided thereof (Ward Gainty, 2012). In conclusion therefore, the Nuremberg Laws, when viewed from legal and moral perspectives, appear to be both illegal (especially in the context of international humanitarian law) and immoral, as they aimed at legalizing open discrimination against the Jews and denying members of the Jewish community the right to freedom of association and expression of free will. In addition, the supposed punishments for acting in breach of the various Sections of the laws were controversial, and so depended on the mood and attitude of whoever was presiding over as the ‘judge. ’ For instance, Section 5(3) of the laws fell short of defining what constituted a fine as a punishment for acting in breach of Sections 3 and 4 of the laws. The implication thereof is that a ‘judge’ may sometimes impose a fine that is not commensurate with the offence committed. References Hoss, R. (2013). â€Å"Memoirs. †Swerdloff, Howard. The World since 1924. Boston, New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press. Stimson, H. L. (2013). The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb. Swerdloff, Howard. The World since 1914. Boston, New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press. Ward. D. W. , Gainty, D. (2011). Sources of World Societies vol II, since 1450. Second Edition (pp. 1-512). Boston, New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s Press. Ward. D. W. , Gainty, D. (2012). The Nuremberg Laws: The Centerpiece of Nazi Racial Legislation (331-333), in Sources of World Societies. Volume 2: Since 1450 (2nd Ed). Boston: Bedford.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
The Three Witches in Macbeth Essay -- William Shakespeare
The three witches in the tragedy Macbeth are introduced right at the beginning of the play. The scene opens with the witches chanting three prophesies: Macbeth will be Thane of Cawdor, Thane of Glamis and King. These prophesies introduce Macbeth to his plan of defeat and to over power. Macbeth will eventually follow through in killing king Duncan. Some people believe that the witches had the ability to reverse the order of things. This brings into the play idea of fate and the role with which it has in the play. One can only wonder if Macbeth ever had a chance of doing what was right after he met with the witches. It is however, more realistic to believe that Macbeth was responsible for his own actions throughout the play and in the end, he was the one who made the final decisions. The witches could see the future, they could add temptation, and influence Macbeth, but they could not control his destiny. No one can change the destiny of ones life nor can anyone tell the destiny of ones life. Macbeth creates his own sadness when he is driven by his own sense of guilt. He realized what he did was immoral and he cant stand the thought. This causes him to become insecure about his actions which causes him to commit more murders. The witches are great at intriguing, but in the end, it is each individuals decision to fall for the temptation, or to be strong enough to resist their captivation. That’s where Macbeth messed up, he didn’t trust himself enough and wasn’t confident enough in himself to know what the right thing was. The three Witches are only responsible for giving Macbeth the ideas and for forming ideas in Macbeth’s head. They are not responsible for h... ... is warned about the truth of the witches prophesies, he is tempted and refuses to listen to reason from Banquo. Macbeth blames the witches for deceiving him with half truths. While the witches are not totally responsible for the actions of Macbeth, they are responsible for introducing the ideas to Macbeth which in turn fired up Macbeth's ambition and led to a disastrous And unnecessary chain of events. The story of Macbeth teaches us many lessons in life. The lesson that stuck out to me is to be your own person. Macbeth let other people control him and lead him. He didn’t make decisions for himself nor did he follow his heart in everything he did. He was just thinking about what the witches and Lady Macbeth wanted. When you live your life for other people your really not living. Macbeth taught me a lot of lessons that I will continue to use throughout my life.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Community Project Management – Neighbourhood Statistics
â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Contents Page 2 – Summary, Introduction and Methodology Page 3 – Demographic profile: Page 3- People and health based statistics Page 6 – Employment statistics Page 7 – Education statistics Page 8 – Findings and discussions Page 9 – Recommendations and conclusion Page 10 – References Page 11 – Appendices SummaryA Demographic profile (refer to appendices) of the Newcastle under Lyme 006E neighbourhood (refer to appendices for definition) has been done and from this a social need (appendices) in the Newcastle under Lyme 006E neighbourhood has been highlighted, and an appropriate community project has been implemented to meet the demands of the neighbourhoods social need. IntroductionAs a community development consultant, I have been commissioned on behalf of a coalition of community groups, to highlight a social need in the Newcastle under Lyme 006E neighbourhood by building a demographical profile from using reliable statistical evidence which gives this information. From the demographical profile the characteristics of the neighbourhood can be indicated and a proposed community project will be put into place to tackle the social need of the neighbourhood.People, health, education and employment statistics have been researched and implemented into the report to build a profile of the problems within the neighbourhood Methodology To find the appropriate statistics and information, in depth research has be done on the neighbourhood statistics website at www. neighbourhood. statistics. gov. uk, from this website statistics on health, education and people can be analysed to give information needed. People based statistics are important to give an indication of the size and population of the neighbourhood; health based statistics indicate the health f the neighbourhood; work statistic s indicates the employment in the area and education statistics gives an indication of the educational achievement in the neighbourhood. Demographical profile This demographic profile covers statistics on the Newcastle under Lyme 006E ST57PE neighborhood. People based statistics Mid-2010 population estimates Variable| Measure| Your neighbourhood | Your area | All People | Count| 1,628| 8,026| Males | Count| 815| 3,980| Females | Count| 813| 4,046| | In total there are 1628 people in the Newcastle under Lyme 006E neighborhood. 15 of these people are males and 813 of these people are females. Percentage of people in each age band in your neighbourhood, mid-2010 The largest age band is age 25 – 49 followed by 0 – 15 with 16 – 24 and 50 – 64 being the smallest age band. Health based statistics Life expectancy at birth, 2007 – 2009 Males of the neighborhood are expected to live until the age of 75 and females are expected to live until the age of 83. Bo th males and females life expectancy is lower than the national life expectancy. The national life expectancy for males is 78 and females are expected to live until the age of 82.Both males and females of the neighborhood are not expected to live as long as the national percentage. Infant Mortality, 2008 – 2010 Variable| Measure| Your neighbourhood | Newcastle-under-Lyme | England | Deaths at age under 1 year, per 1000 live births | Rate| n/a| 8. 7| 4. 4| | | | There isn’t a measure for infant mortality in my neighborhood however for my area infant mortality is nearly double the rate of the national infant mortality rate. This is a terrible statistic and an indication of bad health in the Newcastle under Lyme area. Children's health In 2007 9. % of newborn babies in Newcastle-under-Lyme local authority weighed below 2500 grams, and were classified as low birth weight. The average for England was 7. 2%. this is an indicator of bad health in the Newcastle under Lyme 006E nieghbourhood. Children's weight, 2010 – 2011 Variable| Measure| Your neighbourhood | Newcastle-under-Lyme | England | Overweight children in reception year | %| n/a| 12. 3| 13. 2| Obese children in reception year | %| n/a| 9. 4| 9. 4| Overweight children in year 6 | %| n/a| 14. 6| 14. 4| Obese children in year 6 | %| n/a| 19. 2| 19. 0| |There is no measure here for children’s weight in the Newcastle under Lyme 006E neighborhood so these statistics are based on Newcastle under Lyme. The stats show that there isn’t a problem in overweight or obese children in reception year as the percentage is lower than that of the national percentage of overweight children in England and equal to that of obese children in England. However, children’s weight is a problem in Newcastle under Lyme as the percentage of overweight and obese children are both higher than the national percentage. People's health, April 2001Variable| Measure| Your neighbourhood | Newcastle-unde r-Lyme | England | Good | %| 60. 8| 66. 1| 68. 8| Fairly Good | %| 24. 5| 23. 3| 22. 2| Not Good | %| 14. 7| 10. 6| 9. 0| | The people of the Newcastle under Lyme 006E neighborhood in terms of good health are below the national percentage for good health. The people of the neighborhood in terms of fairly good health are higher than the national percentage for fairly good health The people of the neighborhood in terms of not good health are above the national percentage for not good health. There re too many people with bad health and too little people with good health indicating bad health in the neighborhood. Long term illness, April 2001 Variable| Measure| Your neighbourhood | Newcastle-under-Lyme | England | People with a limiting long-term illness | %| 25. 3| 20. 8| 17. 9| People of working age with a limiting long-term illness | %| 22. 0| 15. 5| 13. 3| | The percentage of people in neighborhood with a limiting long term illness is above the national percentage and also the perc entage of people of a working age with a limiting long term illness is above the national percentage.Carers, April 2001 Variable| Measure| Your neighbourhood | Newcastle-under-Lyme | England | People providing unpaid care | %| 10. 0| 11. 6| 9. 9| †¦ of which percentage providing over 50 hours per week | %| 33. 3| 20. 4| 20. 5| | Both of these percentages are higher in the neighborhood than the national percentage and the second statistic is more than 50% higher than national percentage. There are more carers in the neighborhood than the national percentage and there are twice as many people providing over 50hours per week. People claiming health-related benefits, August 2010Variable| Measure| Your neighbourhood | Newcastle-under-Lyme | England | Incapacity Benefits | %| 12| 8| 7| Carers Allowance | %| 3| 1| 1| Disabled | %| 2| 1| 1| | All 3 of these statistics are higher than the national percentage. Employment based statistics Benefits claimants as percentage of working age po pulation, August 2010 Variable| Measure| Your neighbourhood | Newcastle-under-Lyme | England | Any Key Working Age Benefit | %| 25| 15| 15| Jobseeker's Allowance | %| 5| 3| 4| Incapacity Benefits | %| 12| 8| 7| | | | These neighborhood statistics are higher than the national percentage.This shows that too many people of a working age are out of work. Occupations of all people in employment, April 2001 Variable| Measure| Your neighbourhood | Newcastle-under-Lyme | England | Managers and senior officials | %| 6. 1| 13. 0| 15. 3| Professional occupations | %| 4. 5| 9. 7| 11. 2| Associate professional and technical occupations | %| 8. 1| 11. 6| 13. 8| Administrative and secretarial occupations | %| 10. 1| 11. 2| 13. 4| Skilled trades occupations | %| 17. 7| 14. 1| 11. 6| Personal service occupations | %| 8. 1| 7. 0| 6. 9| Sales and customer service occupations | %| 8. | 8. 0| 7. 7| Process; plant and machine operatives | %| 16. 6| 11. 9| 8. 4| Elementary occupations | %| 20. 6| 13. 4| 1 1. 8| | | | These statistics show that the majority of people in employment in neighborhood are in Elementary occupations. The next largest occupation group is the skilled trades occupation followed by personal service occupations and sales and customer service occupations. All of these occupations in the Newcastle under Lyme 006E neighborhood are above the national percentage for people of that occupation within a neighborhood.On the other hand the rest of the occupations are lower than the national percentage. Not many people in the neighborhood fall into the top 4 occupations which are the more educated occupations. Either indicating the people are not well educated Education based statistics Key Stage 2 assessments: pupils achieving Level 4 or above, 2010 – 2011 Variable| Measure| Your neighbourhood | Newcastle-under-Lyme | England | English | %| 70| 84| 81| Maths | %| n/a| 80| 80| Reading, writing and maths | %| 48| 69| 67| | | | | | | | |The statistic for maths is not d isplayed however the other 2 statistics that are shown are below the national percentage which indicates the Newcastle under Lyme 006E neighborhood is not so good in key stage 2 education At Key Stage 4 it is usual for pupils to take GCSEs (General Certificates of Secondary Education) or equivalent qualifications. Pupils achieving 5 or more A*-C grade passes, including English and Maths, at GCSE or equivalent, 2010 – 2011 Variable| Measure| Your neighbourhood | Newcastle-under-Lyme | England | All pupils | %| 50| 61| 58| Males | %| 27| 56| 55| Females | %| 67| 67| 62| |In the Newcastle under Lyme 006E neighborhood males are significantly below the national average for achieving 5 GCSEs at C or above where as females are above the national average indicating that males are underachieving at key stage 4 Findings The above statistics give a clear demographic profile of the Newcastle under Lyme 006E neighborhood. The neighborhoods largest age band (35%) of people in the neighborh ood is between the age of 25 and 49. The health of the neighborhood is poor and particularly the weight of people is not good as many babies are born underweight and a lot of children are overweight or obese.Also a large percentage of people suffer a long term illness. The neighborhood is not a good place for employment 75% of the people are of a working age and only 25% of these are employed so 302. 25 people out of a possible 1221. 25 are employed. The national percentage for unemployment is 15% and this neighborhood is at 25% unemployed the education achievement of the neighborhood is below the national percentage indicating that the schools are not of a good standard. There’s a link between the poor educational achievement and unemployment.If people don’t have qualifications they are less likely to be employed and this is why employment is high Discussion There are many social needs in the Newcastle under Lyme 006E neighbourhood. One particular area of social need that needs addressing for definite is the education sector. In the Newcastle under Lyme area in terms of education, particularly males are underachieving at key stage 4. After carefully assessing the of educational achievement within the neighbourhood it is apparent that this sector is substandard compared to national percentage.At key stage 2, both male and female students are underachieving. Only 70% of the students are achieving level 4 in English compared to the national average of 81%; only 48% of students are achieving a level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths; and in key stage 4 only 27% of male students achieved 5 GCSEs grade C or above which, compared to the national percentage of 55% is very poor. With this information at hand I intend to carry out a community project which will attempt to take steps in order to try to improve this area of social need.John Blanchard explains â€Å"Reasons for underachievement include disruption to family routine, illness, emotional and psychological difficulties, loss or lack of motivation and direction. †(www. teachingexpertise. com accessed online on 05/12/12) The health of the neighbourhood is poor so illness can be seen as a factor which may be causing students to underachieve in education however in this community project, the main focus is on educational achievement.The lack of motivation aspect could be down to the fact that the students do not believe that education is of a benefit to them. The reason students may think this is because to receive a higher education a large amount of money is required to pay tuition fees etc. The nidirect website explains â€Å"Higher education could boost your career prospects and earning potential, while giving you the chance to study into a subject that really interests you – and to get involved in lots of other activities. †(www. nidirect. gov. uk/ accessed online on 05/12/12. Higher education is of great benefit to people and many students ar e missing out on this opportunity because they are aware of high university fees and not as aware of the benefits a university education can give to a person. Referring to the demographic profile of the neighbourhood, not many people of working age are in an educated occupancy this may be down to poor education. If the people of the neighbourhood are educated well then they will have access to better and more jobs. This will also decrease the amount of people unemployed.Recommendations and Conclusion The results show a need to improve educational achievement so that people can go on to study in higher education and make their selves more employable. A project to improve educational achievement will be put into place to so that people can get employed The project will involve the 3 surrounding universities: Staffordshire university: Keele university and MMU Cheshire acting as stakeholders in the project. Also the project will include the higher education funding council for England a s a stakeholder. HEFCE distributes public money for higher education to universities and colleges in England, and ensures that this money is used to deliver the greatest benefit to students and the wider public. †(www. hefce. ac. uk, accessed online on 07/12/12) working with these two organizations the project will be based around school students regularly visiting the universities, around 3 times per year throughout high school. On these visits the school students will be encouraged, motivated and directed to achieve better GCSE results by giving reasons and benefits for a higher education.This will involve Universities selecting students to promote universities, and talk to school students about their experiences at university and the benefits it has given them. The school students will then be aware that the fees are not as much of a hindrance to them as they may have first thought but in fact a minor cost that will benefit them for life. This project will be called Ã¢â‚¬Ë œLearn to live better’ as the aim is to get people educated so that they can get employed and live better It is highly recommended that the project is funded by HEFCE to sustain the school links with universities.If the project isn’t funded for then the project won’t be sustained and unemployment will rise again If education is improved and more students can go on to study in higher education and achieve a degree, these people will have a much better chance of employment and will acquire the knowledge and skills to improve social capital. People having a higher education have a deeper understanding and knowledge of society and from this they become more active e. g. ducated people will get frustrated with problems that arise in the community and because they know how to address these problems and who to talk to about them, problems get dealt with therefore the social capital of the community grows as the people are networking more to better the neighbourhood. â €Å"The nature of the networks within particular place or grouping is, thus, of fundamental importance when making judgments about ‘communities’ – and the extent to which people can flourish within them. Humans are social animals.Connection and interaction both widen and deepen what we can achieve, and makes possible our individual character. It may even emerge as ‘communion†(www. infed. org accessed 05/12/12) seeing the people of a community networking, flourishing and becoming communions will indicate whether the social capital of my community has increased. It’s important to measure capital because this is how it will be known that the project is actually working Once the community begins to develop and a good social capital is achieved, capacity building can then occur.When the neighbourhood has this capacity to perform functions with people and organizations by itself, this is when the community project can be seen as a success. Referenc es Neighbourhood statistics (census 2011) (online) accessed on 05/12/12 http://www. neighbourhood. statistics. gov. uk/dissemination/ John Blanchard (2007) Motivating underachievers: techniques and tactics (online) accessed on 05/12/12 http://www. teachingexpertise. com/articles/motivating-underachievers-techniques-and-tactics-3002 The benefits of higher education (online) accessed on 05/12/12 http://www. idirect. gov. uk/the-benefits-of-higher-education About HEFCE (2012) (online) accessed on 07/12/12 http://www. hefce. ac. uk/about/ Community (2012) (online) accessed on 05/12/12 http://www. infed. org/community/community. htm UNDP (2006) Capacity development practice note (online) accessed on 05/12/12 http://www. gsdrc. org/go/display&type=Document&id=1870 What is capacity building and why is it needed? (2012) (online) accessed on 07/12/12 http://www. councilofnonprofits. rg/capacity-building/what-capacity-building About community development (2012) (online) accessed on 05/12/12 h ttp://www. cdf. org. uk/content/about-cdf/about-community-development What is demography (2012) (online) accessed on 07/12/12 http://www. suda. su. se/docs/What%20is%20Demography. pdf What is a demographic profile (2012) (online) accessed on 07/12/12 http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-a-demographic-profile. htm Neighbourhoods and regeneration – theory, practice, issues (online) accessed on 05/12/12 http://www. infed. rg/community/neighbourhoods_and_regeneration. htm Guide to social capital (online) accessed on 05/12/12 http://www. ons. gov. uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/social-capital-guide/the-social-capital-project/guide-to-social-capital. html Business studies: stakeholders (2012) (online) accessed on 07/12/12 http://www. bbc. co. uk/schools/gcsebitesize/business/environment/stakeholders1. shtml Appendices â€Å"Capacity is the ability of individuals, institutions and societies to perform functions, solve problems and set and achieve objectives in a sustainable mannerà ¢â‚¬ (www. sdrc. org, 2006 accessed online on 05/12/12) Capacity building – â€Å"capacity building refers to activities that improve and enhance a nonprofit’s ability to achieve its mission and sustain itself over time. †(www. councilofnonprofits. org, 2012 accessed online on 07/12/12) Community development – â€Å"Community development is a set of values and practices which plays a special role in overcoming poverty and disadvantage, knitting society together at the grass roots and deepening democracy†(The community development challenge p. 12). †(www. cdf. org. k, 2012 accessed online on 05/12/12) Demography – â€Å"Demography is the study of human populations – their size, composition and distributio across place – and the process through which populations change. †(www. suda. su. se, 2012 accessed online on 07/12/12) Demographic profile – â€Å"A demographic profile is a business tool that identi fies several characteristics when companies attempt to define a market segment. Common characteristics in the profile include age, sex, income, household size and education†(www. wisegeek. com, 2012 accessed online on 07/12/12) Need – A working definition of need draws on
Monday, January 6, 2020
French Proofreading and Editing Tips for Key Problems
Whether youre checking over French homework, proofreading an essay, or verifying a translation, there are certain key problem areas to watch out for. This is not a definitive list by any means, but it indicates areas of confusion and common mistakes caused by differences between French and English and includes links to more detailed explanations and examples. Before you turn anything in, check the following areas of your work. Vocabulary Watch out for differences in meaning and/or spelling. AccentsMissing and incorrect accents are spelling mistakes. ExpressionsDouble-check your idiomatic expressions. False CognatesMany words are similar in spelling but not in meaning. Spelling EquivalentsStudy these differences between English and French spelling. True CognatesThese words are identical in spelling and meaning. Grammar An endless topic, but here are some typical areas of difficulty. AgreementMake sure your adjectives, pronouns, and other words agree. ArticlesDont forget â€â€Ã‚ these are more common in French. Clauses  * Conjunctions Use the right kind of conjunction.  * Relative Clauses Be careful with relative pronouns.  * Si Clauses Check that these are set up correctly. GenderMake a real effort to use the correct gender. NegationBe sure to use the best negative structure. QuestionsAre you asking them correctly? Verbs  * Conjugations Ensure that each conjugation matches its subject.  * Modal Verbs These are quite different in French.  * Prepositions Be sure to follow each verb with the right preposition.  * Tense Mood Are your tenses consistent? Do you need the subjunctive? Word OrderAdjectives, adverbs, negation, pronouns cause positioning problems. Mechanics Written conventions can be very different in French and English. Acronyms/AbbreviationsMake sure you write them the French way. CapitalizationCareful - this is much less common in French. ContractionsThese are optional in English, but required in French. Punctuation NumbersFollow French spacing rules and use the correct symbols.
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