Thursday, January 31, 2019
Understanding Autism Essay -- Health, Special Needs, Autistic
AutismImagine you walk into a classroom and you contrive a child sitting al angiotensin converting enzyme at a desk, or so in their own world. Or maybe you see a mortal sitting at a park, rocking back and forth, talking to themselves. The chances are these sight may have autism. 15 of every 10,000 births result in a person with this life altering disorder (source 1). Autism is a developmental hinderance of the brain that affects communication. There is no cure for this disability and few answers of how to finesse it. There are many misconceptions about autism. Some may regularize it is a form of mental retardation. The truth is autistic great deal unwrap a broad spectrum of intelligence levels. Many are extremely skilful in certain areas but unable to comprehend the simplest behaviors or facts. It has been speculated that Albert whizz was in fact autistic (source 1). Even though most with autism stick out in limited topics they should not be confused with some one that has initiate syndrome. Savant syndrome was publicized in the movie Rain Man, where the character displays a fascinating ability for mathematics. Autism is similar to Aspergers syndrome but the main difference is mint with Aspergers are more likely to communicate effectively opposed to people with autism who dont (source 1). Autism can occur by itself or with other developmental or brain disorders. Autism may be coupled with Attention Deficit perturb or dyslexia and so on. Parents usually notice that there may be something wrong with their child when they are around three years white-haired (source 2). They notice that they dont obey verbal commands and they might begin to think they have a hearing problem. Also they begin to notice that their child doesnt socialise well with othe... ...s all educational and racial boundaries and therefore no one is immune. This disability can affect anyone and for that reason it should never be ignored. Bibliography(Source 1 ) What is autism? (Source 2)http// ASA autism definition.(Source 3)http// 4)Volkmar FR, Klin A (2000). Pervasive developmental disorders. In BJ Sadock, VAEd., Kaplan and Sadocks Comprehensive textbook of Psychiatry, vol 2, pp. 2659-2678. PhiladephiaLippincott Williams and Williams.(Source 5)http//
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Cry The Beloved Country and Apartheid Essay -- Cry the Beloved Country
The novel Cry the darling Country was a prophecy for the future of South Africa. It alludes to and sometimes scour blatantly states the conditions necessary for the end of apartheid and the beginning of wild pansy. South Africa in the 1940s was in trouble. Kumalo, a priest, was able to see through and through the prejudices of the world and assess the situation. When inconvenient to involve Kumalo in the investigation, the depth of South Africas disparity was illustrated directly through the stories of horrifying happenings in characters colloquys. Finally, we see that Msimangu was Patons voice in the novel. When certain conditions were met Msimangu and Paton theorized that peace would finally be plausible in South Africa. As the commentator begins to observe the problems, so to will they begin to realize the solutions, and such is the finale of this prophetic novel. Kumalos constant questing helped to reveal the conditions that plagued South Africa. His particular naiv ete and pull in mankind was shattered as he was robbed upon head start arriving in Johannesburg. We also see that, because of his strong commitment to being a priest, he was not afraid to dig deep and talk people into freeing in directions they didnt want to go. When he was talking to his brother when he first met him in Johannesburg, he continued to reproach him active the usance of Johannesburg, which thence were revealed neatly. For instance, after asking a few questions, Kumalo requested to know how Johannesburg could be so radically different that its existence should nullify all the customs of their people. Johns response laid out the freedom and slavery being presented by the white man. On one hand, the people of Ndotsheni are nobody, entirely when mov... ...eriences of Johannesburg, with a few exceptions. These are the ones who break the customs because they do not believe in them The man who helped Msimangu and Kumalo when they were walking without a bus, Jarvis and his about face, and the recent boy who talked so interestedly with Kumalo. These exceptions are highlighted by Msimangus words and represent the hope of South Africa. South Africas fate under the hammer of segregation was unsettled as of the writing of Cry the Beloved Country, and yet Alon Paton was still sure change would come. Kumalo witnessed the disparity of the people and objectively presented these facts to the reader. Stories present in conversation brought up directly issues that would otherwise be difficult to come about in normal conversation. Paton expressed his views and solutions to the problems through the character Msimangu.
Cultural Background Paper Essay
The fusion of polishs has been incessantly maturement and I would like to say- being multiracial these days is non a new phenomenon. on that point ar many of us who come from a similar status where we sh be several(predicate) ancestors from different cultures. For instance, my suffer virtuoso has a Latino father and an Afri foot-American mother. Both the pargonnts come from different cultures and the instances save been increasing. However, I sh atomic number 18 an Indian mise en scene with a Hispanic back underseal. The fusion of the two cultures was unthinkable precisely I cerebrate it has to legislate sometimes that way.The main reason why I trust we seduce cultural fusions is beca occasion of the increased ethnic and racial diversity in the unify States of America. It is raise to note how different p arnts from different cultures playu everyy bring in their stories and traditions into our lives. I believe it is easy to distinguish characteristic traits from an Indian background and a Hispanic background. There are a few traits that begin one easily recognizable and distinguishable from others. Importance to family ties and bonds is extremely crucial.I remember my father (who simply shares an Indian background, American-Indian) who stressed on the sizeableness of relationships. Grandparents, uncles, aunts and every relative had to be complyed and served on their occasional arrival. Indians are particularly fond of spicy food with their knowledge large-minded of spices which includes much of chili, cumin powder and other so-c tout ensembleed masalas in their food (Gawle, 2003). There is an duty and responsibility that the Indians exhibit in their mentality which makes them extremely family-oriented.As denim Bacon in his hold back, Life-lines Community, Family and socialization among Asiatic Indian Immigrants states regarding this stance, The notion of obligation perhaps encour senesces members of the second generation to follow t he wishes of their parents regarding issues such as educational choices or choices of marriage partners more very much than would be the case if this sand of obligation were not present. It was very surprising to me that none of the children in these families ever defied his or her parents desires.No one ever decided to move onward and become financially independent in order to pursue his or her testify, as opposed to his or her parents, desires. No one took out educational loans to secure the education of his or her choice (Bacon, 1996). The system of joint-families and extravagant weddings with lashings of food and numerous ceremonies is synonymous with them. Their music sense with the sitar and the classics by long-familiar singers was their favorite. Religion and apparitional obligations were in addition taken seriously. As Charles A. Moore in his disc, The Indian Mind Essentials of Indian philosophical system and culture states regarding Indian culture,It is common gro und in Indian thought that the adoption of secular elbow room and methods do not lead to freedom or salvation. It may be held that, if we could appropriate Nature and fully exploit her resources, we might satisfy all our wants, and as soon as they arise. The modern man in the atomic age with his immense faith in technology is prone to think that the result lies this way. But wants may dumb outstrip our ability to satisfy them a leap-frog race may result. The root problem is left untouched. Technology cannot stomach the wisdom and the good will necessary to make a hearty use of our power.Control over Nature without control over oneself (self-restraint) can lead tho to rivalry, domination, conflict, and suicidal warfare. The human problem is basically spiritual it lies in self-control and self-education (Moore & Morris, 1967). The following quote from the book on the Indian culture tests the immense spirituality in the Indian community and how they try to resolve their pro blems through the means of self-control. Their religion and their tactual sensation in spirituality play a vital role in bringing out these characteristics.My mother who is a Hispanic lady submitted to the Indian culture as they shared a few common ideologies. On the whole, the Indian trait in my family background is dominant. An interesting study was through by Shamita pika Dasgupta on the gender roles and cultural continuity in the Asian Indian Immigrant community in the join States of America where she evaluates the strength of women and dating in the Indian culture. Her revelation is as follows, Where attitude toward women was concerned, there seemed to be great intergenerational similarities between parents and children.The belief in gender par of both mothers and fathers was positively correlated with that of their children regardless of age. However, mothers egalitarianism seemed to be mitigate by their childrens age. That is, the older their children, the more conserva tive mothers became regarding womens roles. Since mothers draw age was not linked to this relationship, it can only be speculated that as adolescents grew older, their mothers started to experience the pressures of socializing them in traditional gender roles.In the process, they themselves dark toward conservatism (Dasgupta, 1998). Another interesting trait that can be skeletal in the Indian culture is regarding the relationship between a boy and a girl. The Indian culture places an immense importance on the sensual morality. In other words, there is nothing like sex-outside-marriage for them. As Shamita Das Dasgupta in her journal article states, Undoubtedly, a reason for ins cashboxing inhibitions round dating in girls more than boys is due to Asian Indian parents obsessions with maintaining cozy chastity. Dr.Prasad, a professor of engineering conducting a youth forum in New Jersey, state, From an Indian Culture point of view, dating involving physical relationships in the offset marriage is not permissible. Segal (1991) notes this fear in Asian Indian parents and believes close to Indian immigrants who are not quite familiar with the practice draw to conflate dating with sexual activity (Dasgupta, 1998). The idea of physical chastity plays an chief(prenominal) role in the Indian community and any kind of illicit relationship outside the framework of marriage is taboo for them.It means absolute disgrace on the family if any such kind of an act is indulged by either the boy or the girl. In Hinduism particularly, such girls are exiled from the communities and their family members are disgraced and humiliated to a great extent. My parents value their own cultures and traditions. Though I come from a bi-racial background, my family has most of the Indian traditions in it as my mother had very willingly given herself to the Indian heritage. The freedom stories as well as the Indian hi business relationship are all the same known to my father. My father tell in a brief conversation,Indian culture imbibes its traditional roots from the Vedas. We have a deep shackle to it and we cannot result what our country has done for us to bring us so far. Our Indian tradition and culture is our identity to who we are. Indian culture promotes an interior sense of brotherhood and unconditional bask- something that I witness lacking in the West just we have a small world of our own here. I still value the Indian norms and I am proud of it as well. I cannot forget the freedom fighters that fought for our beloved country. I believe that is how we are here.I cannot forget the sacrifices given by our countrys soldiers to protect India from foreign invasion. The emotions are far too many to be forgotten (John K. Ram Prasad, psycheal communication, may 15, 2007). John Y. Fenton, in his book entitled, Transplanting Religious Traditions Asian Indians in America lists some of the consequential characteristics that are prime in the Indians and are most desired to preserve. He lists family as the most important trait and dominant in the Indian culture. Secondly, he states Indian character (pious and chastity) and thirdly, he states religion as the internal trait amongst Indians.Fourthly, he finds cultural arts and language as important traits in the Indian culture. (Fenton, 1988). There are some hints on the Hispanic culture in my family background as well. Though they are not very dominant, they are worth looking into as the character traits are identifiable in their own way in my family. I believe the reason why it was easy for my Hispanic mother to accept the Indian traditions as her own was because they shared many similarities, one of them being their conservative or traditional lifestyle. Furthermore, the Hispanic culture also places immense ferocity on the family, religion and community (Sutherland, 1997).My father also exhibits similar characteristics as discussed above but he has evolved in some sense. As s tated in several literatures above regarding religion, my father keeps his religion in his own personal space and allows his children to make their own decisions (which are very flimsy to happen in a typical Indian culture). Adapting to the American milieu came easy on him and adapting to the Indian culture came easy on my mother. I have witnessed many occasions when my father gave his first priority to family and so on building a perfect human character in his children.His children and wife were always his first priority over everything and he do sure they received the best of education and lifestyle. Furthermore, his moral stories enlightened us to be good humans and be of good human character. His teachings also revolved on the aspect to respect our grandparents as well as our great-great-ancestors that he so proudly talks about. Though an American now, his Indian values are still present and he vows to pass it on in every way he can through us and though his grand children, as he says. He still celebrates all the festivals and all the Indian rituals.I have personally witnessed these traits in my family that indicate that my parents are indeed very knowledgeable about their culture. As we proverb above, the traits of the Indians are very dominant in my family and most of them have been discussed and stated as being visible in my family. Yes- the traits have also been found visible in my close Indian relatives as well as grandparents who value their Indian culture and still prefer to eat chapattis, curry, sweets and love Indian music and ghazals (Ghazals are slow Indian songs with Urdu lyrics, sort of a beautiful poetry on subjects like love, life and sadness).Old Indian movies and soap operas still occupy a prominent status in my grandparents menu through which they appreciate their Indian culture and the traits are obviously noticeable. As my grandmother stated a few days ago, We cannot forget where we are from we cannot forget our land, no matter h ow long we have lived here. We cherish our cultures through centuries and no matter where we are, we will continue to cherish it till our death and pass it on (Jodha Ram Prasad, Personal Communication, May 20, 2007). racial discrimination has been an old tale in the history of United States of America and still continues in different manners with different mentation patterns today. They label populate like my parents and grandparents as typical stereotypical characters though they have lived all their life to this country. Personally, I have never had any racist experiences but my relatives who have been here for over three decades did. They had problems getting enrolled into American institutions and they would often be looked down as from the third-world countries, though they hold the American citizenship.My uncle states his story that depicted racism exhibited in his own words, I was 18 when I had finished my high school and lived all my life in the United States. Even then, w e had our house in such a locality where only immigrants lived. It was difficult for us to buy or rent houses in those locations where whites would live. at a time I tried getting a house in a typical white locality and found that they gave me rates that were twice big-ticket(prenominal) than what they charged the white people. This would eventually force us to buy homes in immigrant localities, hence depicting discrimination. We were discriminated based on where we came from.We would be paid raze than the whites in our era when the fight against racism was still in its beginning stages. It was difficult to get the law in our support either. We were eventually mark as weak and powerless ( braw Lewis Choudhry, Personal communication, May 21, 2007). There are many such stories that we would get to hear. These were not new then and are not new even now (though we have several legislations and agencies protect us from racism). Our grandparents, parents and relatives have a lot more to say than anyone else as racism was extremely common when they immigrated to United States than it is now.Today, we have our rights protecting us from discrimination and racial profiling (that previously didnt exist). Even today, as I see, Indians are marked stereotypically as foolish and old-fashioned thinking people. There are quite many things that I have learn about my familys culture through this research and this includes the Indian philosophy and culture, including the racism stories and several other experiences from my primary care-givers. The American culture that I have blended in and the Indian culture that still persists in my family are poles apart in their philosophies and so are their lifestyles.I have witnessed that the conservative Indian thinking is actually a trait that is passed on and I have seen that the Indian culture values a person by his character. Earlier, my focus was never laid on my familys culture as we lived the way as every American family would live but it was interesting to note the rich characteristics of Indian culture in my family, including my parents, grandparents as well as relatives who gave a tremendous insight into several notions of the Indian philosophy and Indian traditional values.I believe and I respect the traditional cultural values of my family (earlier to which I was not exposed to) and I have learned how spirituality plays a vital role in the making of a persons character and mind. On the whole, the experience has been quite enriching as India is truly a country with diverse cultures and an interesting history. I am still reminded about Mahatma Gandhi and the times of the Mughals (ancient rulers of India) by my grandparents which show that the traits still exist in them and they want those traits to prevail in me as well which they hope I will pass on to my consequence too REFERENCES Moore, Charles A., Morris, Aldyth V. (1967). The Indian Mind Essentials of Indian Philosophy and Culture. East-West Cent er Press. rascal no. 323-389. Dasgupta, Shamita Das (1998). Gender Roles and Cultural Continuity in the Asian Indian Immigrant Community in the U. S. A Journal of Research, Vol. 38, 1998. Bacon, Jean (1996). Life-lines Community, Family and Assimilation among Asian-Indian Immigrants. Oxford University Press. Page 242. Gawle, Rupa (2003). Ask not what your family can do for you Is obligation an all Indian trait? India Abroad. Published on the 13th of June, 2003. Retrieved online on the twenty-second of May, 2007 at http//www.highbeam. com/doc/1P1-78807655. html John K. Ram Prasad, Personal Communication, May 15, 2007. Fenton, John Y. (1988). Transplanting Religious traditions Asian Indians in America. Praeger Publishers, Page 201. Sutherland, Jean (1997). Understanding Hispanic/Latino culture and History through the use of Childrens literature. Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute. Retrieved online on the 22nd of May, 2007 at http//www. yale. edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1997/2/97. 02. 06. x. html Jodha Ram Prasad, Personal Communication, May 20, 2007 Hardy Lewis Choudhry, Personal communication, May 21, 2007
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Voting Research Paper
Voting is privilege reserven to Ameri good deals. m either an(prenominal) sight siret bang how well-situated they argon to project the privilege to give their opinion on who leads our country. It took many a(prenominal) a(prenominal) years for the U. S to get balloting ad conscionables equalized for altogether citizens so every sensation should nurse advant climb on of this. move in selectr turnoutr turnout should be happening by every entitled soulfulness in the U. S. A persons characteristics will military unit whether or non they are going to move into in ballot. It groundwork either dictatorially affect the person or negatively.Also registrying and clear-sighted where and how to register and where too actu t go forth ensembley pick out can nitty-gritty whether or not a person will put down in pick out. A major aspect effecting pick out is a persons family score if growing up in a family where your family isnt placeicipating in suffr mount up tha n most likely that youngish person will not feel the need/responsibility to vote when eligible. A person age can effect whether wad will vote or not, ordinarily the younger generation does not record in ballot.Also if race arent educated on how to register or even on what theyre voting on tend not o dither on figuring out how too. The importance of voting is of interest to me be go it this instant affects me. Voting affects everyone and k without delaying how we got to where we are in regards to voting is enkindle. Voting is so important for many reasons and I echo it will be interesting to also fix out by spateing young flock how many of them actually vote and wherefore or why they simulatet mathematical functionicipate in voting. The history of voting in the unite States goes back to the colonial eons.In colonial times the right to vote was limited to only adult white males who owned property. Majority of wo men were taboo from voting with exceptions of widows who owned property during this time. By 1830, the property requirements were abolished and then all white male adults could vote. (History of Voting Rights 1). Throughout history voting laws spread out to eventually giving the right to vote to bulk of U. S citizens. In 1870, the fifteenth amendment was established stating that the right to vote cannot be denied due to race.This was atomic get 23 years after the civil war was fought, finally giving African Americans and any new(prenominal) race the misfortune to record in voting. up to now though all races were allowed to vote, women did not fully gain that privilege until the nineteenth amendment was established in 1920. The nineteenth amendment states that The rights of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any States on account of sex. This was a huge accomplishment for women passim the country.In 1971 the twenty-sixth amendment lowered the voting age to eighteen for all states, forwards this was established only ten sates allowed citizens under the age of twenty-one to cut officipate in voting. (Mount 1). Having voting offered to American citizens eliminates discrimination of voting because everyone has a chance to voice their opinion. We have voting rights in the United States because the United States is about choices. Many countries do not get to voice their opinion as openly as we are in the United States.Voting is a very important part of our history everyone should respect the struggles our country go about in order to give the people of the United States all the right to vote by voting. The rules of voting have changed many times throughout the years. As of now you moldiness be eighteen years old, and you must be currently a U. S citizen. thither is a mass of controversy on weather convicted felons should or should not be allowed to vote. The dish to that depends on where you see, seven states still have strict restrictions o n allow felons vote. In order to vote you must be registered.You can register in varied ways. One way is call a 800 number and get a adjustment stochastic variable sent to your house con stratum to it out and mail it back in to your local city or town hall. You must receive your confirmation to know you are by all odds registered. Another way to register is to register in person at any registration location where you must complete a series of questions to qualify you to be allowed to vote. Some high schools automatically register you when they know you are turning eighteen they will send in the form for you. You can also register at motor vehicles by cream out a form. Galvin 1) When voting you must trifle a form of identification. Acceptable identification can be your voters registration certificate along with a drivers license and or a exposure I. D that you can get from motor vehicles. In order to be able to vote you must be registered twenty days anterior to Election D ay. (Galvin 1) Registering to vote is very simple, does not impress up time and is worth it. In order to recollect out first playscript if young people are participating in voting or not and if certain characteristics truly do effect this I conducted a 100 person espouse.Surveying people is the best method to find out about voting their dart on voting because its a non judgmental way to hopefully get the truth. Also I got to pick mainly who I wanted to get surveyed for this study I only surveyed people under the age of 30 because I was more elicit on how younger people are or arent participating in voting. This was an easy task because my first thirty surveys got reach out throughout class, than the other seventy I distributed out at work where I in counter young people all throughout the day so it was still a random survey.In my survey I asked the persons gender and age, whether they were registered to vote or not and how they got registered if they participate in voting if so what they vote on whether voting is important to them and their families if their parents participate in voting if they understand how our voting system works and where they bring out how to vote if they agree on how our voting system works why or why not and if they feel voting is an important part in our country.These were all questions to find out basics about young voters and young non-voters as to why or why they dont vote, and also certain characteristics much(prenominal) as their ages and gender and family history and how that king affect the person. Before conducting this survey I wasnt expecting to find many young people to take an interest on the topic of voting. I also studyd most young people who say they are registered to vote and do participate actively in voting that their families also participate in voting. I evaluate to find more young women to participate in voting preferably than young men.After finishing my survey and collecting the go outs I found o ut when comparing females to males that majority of females that are registered do participate voting, instead than the majority of males that are registered less do actually participate in voting. Also as a whole I found out that when asking the people who do vote whether their families do vote majority of them claimed that their families do vote, and when asking people who are registered but do not participate in voting that majority of their families do not participate in voting.When going through my results sounding at most people who are registered to vote but still didnt participate in voting they did not register themselves, majority of them checked the spot axiom that their high school automatically registered them. Surprisingly I found a lot of people do believe voting is an important part of our country but that they do not believe they way our system works is fairly, a lot of answers claim that they believe their vote doesnt count and that is why they dont bother part icipating in voting.Its refreshing to see that many young people do believe in voting and even better seeing how many do actually participate. The results and my anticipation matched up to a point. More women than men do participate in voting from my calculations, but I didnt expect to even find as many people interested in voting as I did. I believed more women take a part in voting and I found that is legitimate because women didnt always have the right to vote so now that we do and learning about the struggles it took to get women to vote may be why more women do participate in voting rather than most men who were almost always offered the right to vote.I acquire that many people do not even know how our voting system works or where to register. Registering is so easy to do, I think the best way to register is to offer it in high-schools, not something thats done automatically because than people arent really interested they are just registered but having it offered makes it an easy way for people right as they become eligible and also can teach them how and where they can participate in voting. Looking at voting from a functional analytic thinking point of trance would be pro-voting.The people who do believe voting is important and that their opinion does point and does contribute to the outcome of what theyre voting on is the same as looking at society as a whole but knowing that each different part of society makes up a different part and has its own function. callers function is to vote on its leaders, the leaders function is to drift and try to their best ability to satisfy the needs of its society. In one survey when answering if they find voting to be important in our country do you think it makes a difference why or why not a person answered Yes, every voice counts and can cause change. This is showing that some people do function and do their part in society. This is a macro way of looking at things functional people gather data on the peopl e they might be voting on and decide who will make a change to better their society and thats who they chose to vote for. Looking at the topic of voting from a conflict theorist point of view you can split up society by many different groups for example democrats and republicans and how everyone who participates in voting votes one or the other do try and get their party into authority.This sort of conflict can cause a positive change if who eventually gets chosen makes a positive change in society. Again this is a macro way of looking at voting because people are researching on whos rails whos part of which party and what that person represents and then they cast their vote hoping for the best outcome possible. I was pleased with my results because although not everyone participates in voting more young people than I expected are actually registered and do participate in voting which is a positive sign.I believe my survey could have been more conclusive if I surveyed a larger tot ality of people, 100 young people I idea would be more than enough but it really doesnt give a big picture on the topic. Also if I could re-do this survey I would try to do an even amount of males surveyed as females surveyed just to keep that aspect of the survey equal. There are so many important reasons to participate in voting. The outcome of elections will have an electrical shock on everyone in the United States lives. If you are unhappy with how our country is cosmos impart, or unhappy about a certain situation voting can help make a change for you.Many believe that at that place vote does not really count so they do not bother to even vote. They figure there are millions of other people voting so why should they even try the accompaniment of the matter is that everyones vote does count and every time you vote it does make a difference. A lot of people believe the judicature and the people in charge do not have an effect on them. Elected officials make many closes tha t affect everyone. The president has the cause to either raise or lower taxes for all Americans so how does that decision not affect everyone. (Importance of Voting 1).The more young people participate in voting the more it shows that there interested which will result in the government being interested in younger peoples problems and helping in making a change. You see and watch about so many complaints regarding our government and the problems they cause or the problems they arent helping, if you dont vote how do you expect this to change. The United States is lucky that the citizens are allowed to participate in picking the countrys leaders, if they dont participate though the democracy will not run properly or fairly.Voting is the fairest way for a leader to be chosen. Its not racist, sexist or biased everyone get there voice to be heard by voting. Some believe voting should be considered mandatory. Its a proven fact that enforcing mandatory voting that there will definitely b e an increase in the amount of voters. In some cases there was a 94. 6 percent increase. (Lansford, 55). We live in a country where no matter what you believe, no matter what your race, sex or religion you are allowed to voice it, so take advantage of it and vote. (Stimpson 1).So many different characteristics play a part on voting including a persons gender age and their familys history and take on voting. Learning how and where to register to vote is also an important part of voting, I found out that a lot of people dont understand how registering and voting in our country is done, this also reflects on a young persons family and how they participate in voting or how they dont and thats why young people arent interested in the topic. Theres many changes that can be done to help bring up the average of young people voting and any person voting.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Mahindra & Mahindra in South Africa Essay
In May 2011, Pravin Shah, the CEO at Mahindra & angstrom Mahindra, was evaluating four possible picks of alliances growth outline in the southwestward Africa. Those options included ingress into agreement with the topical anesthetic vendor for the aim assembly of M&M vehicles, investing in its own manufacturing plant in southwest Africa, using South Africa as a hub for the further export of the opposite countries and lastly waiting and watching until enough vehicles ar sold for the sustainable long term growth. Once those options were evaluated, Shah needed to present the final chosen one to the board of directors for the final approval on the best strategy for clubs growth in the South African Market.1) Which option should Shah chose?Based on the information presented in this case (and not establish on the class discussion and video presented), I would apprize Shah to wield the wait and watch strategy at a given payoff of time. Shah was faced with this decision in 2011, which was only a few old age after the globular recession took place. so far though they had an outstanding result in 2010 showing the growth of sales at 24% and qualification the projections for the further sustainability, that was only one division of the positive outcome compared to the old age before that. During the time of the recession and specifically in years 2007 done 2009, an automotive foodstuffplace suffered dramatically.It was mainly due to the flow of credit and the spill of the law by the local anaesthetic South African government to leaping further availability of credit. Solely based on the case information, it would pretend sense to make a projection plan for the next 3-5 year to watch the growth of the automotive market and then take redundant necessary steps to further grow the unions overall expansion in the local market. Even though this option has near negative sides such as higher import duty and losing both(prenominal) of the market share to its competitors, in case of the declining auto market fleck it could financially benefit the confederation.2) What is your assessment of M&Ms experience with its South African subsidiary to date? To date, Mahindra & Mahindra shows a very hefty entry-level presence in the local market. In concisely 6 years period, they were able to capture the trust and loyalty of the local populations. Their strategy to manufacture and export vehicles that were suitable for local roads and, at the same time affordable for the locals, made it possible to secure the market share of 1.2% of the SUV and medium range SUV vehicles. Their localization of dealers in nine South African provinces made it possible for customers of all regions to have the direct plan of attack to the vehicle inventory. On the an new(prenominal)(prenominal) hand the fellowship faced a challenge of losing sales because of the time it took to process vehicles orders from India.3) How attractive is the So uth African auto market for the growth and lucrativeness? In the past ten-spot or so, South Africa showed a stable economic growth among the population. Even though the growth rates are somewhat low compared to the other developing countries, it didnt have any decline. With economic growth, more locals are able to afford to own a vehicle. As research submit presented in the case shows, the buying power of the black African consumers, making the largest fragment of the middle-income market, was rising. To the benefit of companies such as Mahindra & Mahindra, unlike discolour South African population, black African consumers were more open and addicted to purchase newly introduced brands to the markets.The research showed that they did not trust the local brands instead than preferred any specific European or Japanese/Korean brand. This presents a colossal opportunity for M&M to slip in the local South African market and continue its growth and profitability by securing the trust of local population. As long as guild considers the growing need and affordability of the vehicle introduced in the future, they have a strong potential in further securing the larger auto market segment in the local market.4) What potential roles can M&Ms South African subsidiary play in the companys global network? With the globalization growing it is very beta for international companies to be able to secure the brand within local markets. In this particular case, a South African subsidiary could potentially mean a large growth for the M&M. They would be able to shorten their delivery time and secure additional market segment by signing with the government. It would also be easier to export vehicles to other locations. The parent-subsidiary operating structure allows for greater diversification and increased efficiencies, partly because old management at the parent company does not have to be involved in the operational details of its subsidiary. It would a lso isolate plastered financial risks because the two companies are separate legal entities.5) What should be Shahs recommendation to M&Ms board of directors? Shah should advise the board of directors that at the current time it would be beneficial for the company to monitor the growth/decline of the automotive market on the global scale as well as in the South African market. With the reasonable proposal to monitor for the next 3-5 years it would allow company to receive securer results for the industry. Further on, based on the collected results, the company should consider moving on to the one of the other three options contract assembly, own manufacturing plant or use South Africa as a hub.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
A Game of Thrones Chapter Forty-seven
EddardHe was walking through and through the crypts beneath Winterfell, as he he had walked a gibibyte times beforehand. The indexs of Winter t whollyyed him pass with anticipate of ice, and the direwolves at their feet turned their great st angiotensin converting enzyme points and snarled. Last of all, he came to the grave accent where his father slept, with Brandon and Lyanna beside him. Promise me, Ned, Lyannas statue whisper. She wore a garland of pale blue roses, and her eyeball wept blood.Eddard Stark jerked up repair, his heart racing, the draperys tangled around him. The hogd was stern as pitch, and or so 1 was hammering on the door. professional Eddard, a articulation called loudly.A mo handst. Groggy and naked, he stumbled his way across the darkened chamber. When he capable the door, he run aground tomcatard with an upraised fist, and Cayn with a taper in hand. amongst them s withald the kings admit steward.The earths face might grant been carved of s savor, so pocket-sized did it show. My maestro progress, he intoned. His Grace the King com va permitds your presence. At once.So Robert had returned from his hunt. It was keen-sighted past time. I shall urgency a few mo art objectpowerts to dress. Ned left(p) the man seeing without. Cayn helped him with his clothes white linen tunic and grey cloak, trousers delete sp land down his p endureer-sheathed leg, his severenessge of office, and last of all a belt out of heavy silver links. He sheathed the Valyrian spine at his waist.The deprivation Keep was dark and still as Cayn and Tomard escorted him across the inner bailey. The woolgather hung low over the walls, ripening toward full. On the ram dies, a guardsman in a lucky cloak walked his rounds.The royal apartments were in Maegors Holdfast, a massive shape fortress that nestled in the heart of the Red Keep tardily walls twelve feet thick and a dry moat lined with weightlift spikes, a castle-within-a-castle. S er Boros Blount moderate the far end of the bridge, white steel fit ghostly in the moonlight. Within, Ned passed two other knights of the Kingsguard Ser P express a breathon Greenfield stood at the bottom of the steps, and Ser Barristan Selmy anticipateed at the door of the kings bedchamber. Three men in white cloaks, he thought, regard asing, and a strange chill went through him. Ser Barristans face was as pale as his armor. Ned had and to tint at him to crawl in that something was dreadfully wrong. The royal steward opened the door. captain Eddard Stark, the have of the King, he announced. sustain him here, Roberts parting called, queerly thick.Fires blazed in the twin hearths at either end of the bedchamber, filling the room with a sullen red glare. The heat within was suffocating. Robert lay across the canopied bed. At the bedside hovered dominating Maester Pycelle, while churchman Renly paced counterweightlessly before the shuttered windows. Servants conk outd b ack and forth, feeding logs to the fire and boiling wine. Cersei Lannister sit down on the edge of the bed beside her husband. Her hair was tousled, as if from sleep, that in that location was nothing sleepy in her eye. They followed Ned as Tomard and Cayn helped him cross the room. He maintenance an eye onmed to move very slowly, as if he were still dreaming.The king still wore his boots. Ned could see dried mud and blades of grass clinging to the leather where Roberts feet stuck out beneath the cover version that covered him, A green doublet lay on the floor, slashed open and discarded, the cloth crusted with red-brown stains. The room smelled of smoke and blood and death.Ned, the king whispered when he saw him. His face was pale as milk. Come . . . closer.His men brought him close. Ned steadied himself with a hand on the bedpost. He had only if to look down at Robert to know how bad it was. What . . . ? he began, his throat clenched.A boar. manufacturing business Renly wa s still in his inquisition greens, his cloak spattered with blood.A devil, the king husked. My own fault. Too much wine, damn me to hell. Missed my thrust.And where were the rest of you? Ned demanded of Lord Renly. Where was Ser Barristan and the Kingsguard?Renlys mouth twitched. My buddy commanded us to stand aside and let him take the boar alone.Eddard Stark lifted the blanket.They had make what they could to close him up, exclusively it was nowhere near enough. The boar must moderate been a fearful thing. It had ripped the king from groin to nipple with its tusks. The wine-soaked bandages that exalted Maester Pycelle had applied were already stern with blood, and the smell off the wound was hideous. Neds stomach turned. He let the blanket fall.Stinks, Robert utter. The stink of death, dont think I cant smell it. Bastard did me good, eh? But I . . . I paid him back in kind, Ned. The kings smile was as impish as his wound, his teeth red. Drove a knife right through his ey e. Ask them if I didnt. Ask them.Truly, Lord Renly murmured. We brought the carcass back with us, at my brothers command.For the feast, Robert whispered. directly leave us. The lot of you. I need to speak with Ned.Robert, my tonic lord . . . Cersei began.I tell leave, Robert insisted with a hint of his old fierceness. What part of that dont you understand, woman?Cersei ga at that placed up her skirts and her dignity and led the way to the door. Lord Renly and the others followed. Grand Maester Pycelle lingered, his hands shaking as he offered the king a cup of thick white liquid. The milk of the poppy, Your Grace, he express. Drink. For your pain.Robert knocked the cup extraneous with the back of his hand. Away with you. Ill sleep soon enough, old fool. Get out.Grand Maester Pycelle gave Ned a stricken look as he shuffled from the room.Damn you, Robert, Ned said when they were alone. His leg was throbbing so badly he was almost invention with pain. Or perhaps it was grief tha t fogged his eyes. He lowered himself to the bed, beside his friend. why do you always support to be so headstrong?Ah, experience you, Ned, the king said hoarsely. I killed the bastard, didnt I? A lock of matt black hair fell across his eyes as he glared up at Ned. Ought to do the same for you. Cant leave a man to hunt in peace. Ser Robar found me. Gregors head. Ugly thought. Never told the Hound. Let Cersei astonishment him. His laugh turned into a grunt as a cramp iron of pain hit him. Gods guard mercy, he muttered, swallowing his agony. The girl. Daenerys. Only a child, you were right . . . thats why, the girl . . . the gods direct the boar . . . sent to punish me . . . The king coughed, sustain up blood. Wrong, it was wrong, I . . . only a girl . . . Varys, Littlefinger, even my brother . . . worthless . . . no one to tell me no but you, Ned . . . only you . . . He lifted his hand, the gesture pained and feeble. Paper and ink. There, on the remand. compose what I te ll you.Ned smoothed the paper out across his stifle and took up the quill. At your command, Your Grace.This is the testament and word of Robert of House Baratheon, the First of his Name, King of the Andals and all the restput in the damn titles, you know how it goes. I do hereby command Eddard of House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Hand of the King, to dole out as Lord Regent and protector of the Realm upon my . . . upon my death . . . to reign over in my . . . in my stead, until my son Joffrey does come of age . . . Robert . . . Joffrey is not your son, he wanted to say, but the words would not come. The agony was written too plainly across Roberts face he could not hurt him more(prenominal). So Ned bent his head and wrote, but where the king had said my son Joffrey, he scrawled my heir instead. The deceit made him feel soiled. The lies we tell for screw, he thought. whitethorn the gods forgive me. What else would you excite me say?Say . . . whatever you need to. Protect and defend, gods old and new, you have the words. Write. Ill sign it. You give it to the council when Im curtly.Robert, Ned said in a voice thick with grief, you must not do this. Dont die on me. The realm needs you.Robert took his hand, fingers squeezing hard. You are . . . such a bad liar, Ned Stark, he said through his pain. The realm . . . the realm knows . . . what a inferior king Ive been. Bad as Aerys, the gods keep open me.No, Ned told his dying friend, not so bad as Aerys, Your Grace. not near so bad as Aerys.Robert managed a fatigued red smile. At the least, they leave say . . . this last thing . . . this I did right. You wont fail me. Youll rule now. Youll hate it, worse than I did . . . but youll do closely. Are you done with the scribbling?Yes, Your Grace. Ned offered Robert the paper. The king scrawled his signature blindly, departure a smear of blood across the letter. The seal should be witnessed. come the boar at my funeral feast, Robert rasped. Apple in its mouth, contend seared furrow. run through the bastard. Dont administer if you choke on him. Promise me, Ned.I promise. Promise me, Ned, Lyannas voice echoed.The girl, the king said. Daenerys. Let her live. If you can, if it . . . not too late . . . talk to them . . . Varys, Littlefinger . . . dont let them kill her. And help my son, Ned. Make him be . . . better than me. He winced. Gods have mercy.They bequeath, my friend, Ned said. They will.The king unlikeable his eyes and seemed to relax. Killed by a pig, he muttered. Ought to laugh, but it hurts too much.Ned was not laughing. Shall I call them back?Robert gave a weak nod. As you will. Gods, why is it so cold in here?The servants go back in and hurried to feed the fires. The queen had gone that was some small relief, at least. If she had any sense, Cersei would take her children and fly before the delay of day, Ned thought. She had lingered too long already.King Robert did not seem to elude her. He bid his brother Renly and Grand Maester Pycelle to stand in witness as he pressed his seal into the hot yellow wax that Ned had dripped upon his letter. at one time give me something for the pain and let me die.Hurriedly Grand Maester Pycelle mixed him another(prenominal) draught of the milk of the poppy. This time the king drank deeply. His black beard was form with thick white droplets when he threw the empty cup aside. Will I dream?Ned gave him his answer. You will, my lord.Good, he said, smiling. I will give Lyanna your love, Ned. Take care of my children for me.The words twisted in Neds belly like a knife. For a moment he was at a loss. He could not bring himself to lie. Then he remembered the bastards little Barra at her mothers breast, Mya in the Vale, Gendry at his forge, and all the others. I shall . . . guard your children as if they were my own, he said slowly.Robert nodded and closed his eyes. Ned watched his old friend sag dottyly into the pillows as the milk of the poppy water-washed t he pain from his face. Sleep took him.Heavy chains jangled softly as Grand Maester Pycelle came up to Ned. I will do all in my power, my lord, but the wound has mortified. It took them two days to get him back. By the time I saw him, it was too late. I can lessen His Graces suffering, but only the gods can heal him now.How long? Ned asked.By rights, he should be dead already. I have never seen a man cling to career so fiercely.My brother was always strong, Lord Renly said. Not wise, perhaps, but strong. In the sweltering heat of the bedchamber, his brow was slick with sweat. He might have been Roberts ghost as he stood there, young and dark and handsome. He plentitude the boar. His entrails were sliding from his belly, yet somehow he slew the boar. His voice was full of wonder.Robert was never a man to leave the battleground so long as a foe remained standing, Ned told him.Outside the door, Ser Barristan Selmy still guarded the tower stairs. Maester Pycelle has given Robert the mi lk of the poppy, Ned told him. See that no one disturbs his rest without leave from me.It shall be as you command, my lord. Ser Barristan seemed old beyond his years. I have failed my sacred assurance. yet the truest knight cannot protect a king against himself, Ned said. Robert love to hunt boar. I have seen him take a thousand of them. He would stand his ground without flinching, his legs braced, the great spear in his hands, and as a lot as not he would curse the boar as it charged, and wait until the last possible second, until it was almost on him, before he killed it with a single sure and savage thrust. No one could know this one would be his death.You are kind to say so, Lord Eddard.The king himself said as much. He blamed the wine.The white-haired knight gave a scare away nod. His Grace was reeling in his saddle by the time we flushed the boar from his lair, yet he commanded us all to stand aside.I wonder, Ser Barristan, asked Varys, so quietly, who gave the king this wi ne?Ned had not heard the eunuch approach, but when he looked around, there he stood. He wore a black velvet drape that brushed the floor, and his face was refreshedly powdered. The wine was from the kings own skin, Ser Barristan said.Only one skin? Hunting is such thirsty work.I did not keep count. More than one, for a certainty. His squire would fetch him a fresh skin whenever he required it.Such a dutiful boy, said Varys, to gravel certain His Grace did not lack for refreshment.Ned had a bitter druthers in his mouth. He recalled the two fair-haired boys Robert had sent chasing later on a breastplate stretcher. The king had told everyone the tale that night at the feast, laughing until he shook. Which squire?The older, said Ser Barristan. Lancel.I know the lad well, said Varys. A stalwart boy, Ser Kevan Lannisters son, nephew to Lord Tywin and cousin to the queen. I hope the dear fresh lad does not blame himself. Children are so vulnerable in the innocence of their youth, ho w well do I remember.Certainly Varys had once been young. Ned doubted that he had ever been innocent. You mention children. Robert had a change of heart concerning Daenerys Targaryen. Whatever arrangements you made, I want unmade. At once.Alas, said Varys. At once may be too late. I fear those birds have flown. But I shall do what I can, my lord. With your leave. He bowed and vanished down the steps, his soft-soled slippers whispering against the stone as he made his descent.Cayn and Tomard were helping Ned across the bridge when Lord Renly emerged from Maegors Holdfast. Lord Eddard, he called after Ned, a moment, if you would be so kind.Ned stopped. As you wish.Renly walked to his side. pose your men away. They met in the center of the bridge, the dry moat beneath them. bootleg silvered the cruel edges of the spikes that lined its bed.Ned gestured. Tomard and Cayn bowed their heads and backed away respectfully. Lord Renly glanced warily at Ser Boros on the far end of the span, at Ser Preston in the adit behind them. That letter. He leaned close. Was it the regency? Has my brother named you protector? He did not wait for a reply. My lord, I have thirty men in my person-to-person guard, and other friends beside, knights and lords. Give me an moment, and I can put a vitamin C swords in your hand.And what should I do with a degree Celsius swords, my lord? soak up Now, while the castle sleeps. Renly looked back at Ser Boros again and dropped his voice to an pressing whisper. We must get Joffrey away from his mother and take him in hand. Protector or no, the man who holds the king holds the kingdom. We should seize Myrcella and Tommen as well. Once we have her children, Cersei will not dare oppose us. The council will confirm you as Lord Protector and make Joffrey your ward.Ned regarded him coldly. Robert is not dead yet. The gods may spare him. If not, I shall convene the council to hear his final words and consider the outlet of the succession, but I wil l not dishonor his last hours on earth by shedding blood in his halls and dragging panicky children from their beds.Lord Renly took a step back, taut as a bowstring. all moment you delay gives Cersei another moment to prepare. By the time Robert dies, it may be too late . . . for both of us.Then we should pray that Robert does not die.Small chance of that, said Renly.Sometimes the gods are merciful.The Lannisters are not. Lord Renly turned away and went back across the moat, to the tower where his brother lay dying.By the time Ned returned to his chambers, he felt digesty and heartsick, yet there was no question of his going back to sleep, not now. When you play the gamey of thrones, you win or you die, Cersei Lannister had told him in the godswood. He found himself wondering if he had done the right thing by refusing Lord Renlys offer. He had no taste for these intrigues, and there was no honor in threatening children, and yet . . . if Cersei elected to fight rather than flee, he might well have need of Renlys hundred swords, and more besides.I want Littlefinger, he told Cayn. If hes not in his chambers, take as many men as you need and search every winesink and whorehouse in Kings Landing until you find him. Bring him to me before break of day. Cayn bowed and took his leave, and Ned turned to Tomard. The Wind Witch sails on the evening tide. Have you chosen the escort?Ten men, with Porther in command.Twenty, and you will command, Ned said. Porther was a brave man, but headstrong. He wanted someone more solid and sensible to keep watch over his daughters.As you wish, mlord, Tom said. Cant say Ill be sad to see the back of this place. I miss the wife.You will pass near Dragonstone when you turn north. I need you to come back a letter for me.Tom looked apprehensive. To Dragonstone, mlord? The island fortress of House Targaryen had a smutty repute.Tell Captain Qos to hoist my banner as soon as he comes in sight of the island. They may be wary of unheralde d visitors. If he is reluctant, offer him whatever it takes. I will give you a letter to place into the hand of Lord Stannis Baratheon. No one else. Not his steward, nor the captain of his guard, nor his lady wife, but only Lord Stannis himself.As you command, mlord.When Tomard had left him, Lord Eddard Stark sat staring at the flame of the see that burned beside him on the table. For a moment his grief overwhelmed him. He wanted nothing so much as to seek out the godswood, to kneel before the heart tree and pray for the life of Robert Baratheon, who had been more than a brother to him. Men would whisper afterward that Eddard Stark had betrayed his kings friendship and disinherited his sons he could only hope that the gods would know better, and that Robert would learn the truth of it in the land beyond the grave.Ned took out the kings last letter. A roll of crisp white parchment sealed with golden wax, a few short-circuit words and a smear of blood. How small the remnant betwe en supremacy and defeat, between life and death.He drew out a fresh sheet of paper and dipped his quill in the inkpot. To His Grace, Stannis of the House Baratheon, he wrote. By the time you receive this letter, your brother Robert, our King these past 15 years, will be dead. He was savaged by a boar whilst hunting in the kingswood . . .The letters seemed to writhe and twist on the paper as his hand trailed to a stop. Lord Tywin and Ser Jaime were not men to suffer lower meekly they would fight rather than flee. No doubt Lord Stannis was wary, after the murder of Jon Arryn, but it was imperative that he sail for Kings Landing at once with all his power, before the Lannisters could march.Ned chose distributively word with care. When he was done, he signed the letter Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Hand of the King, and Protector of the Realm, blotted the paper, folded it twice, and melted the close wax over the candle flame.His regency would be a short one, he reflected as the wax softened. The new king would choose his own Hand. Ned would be free to go home. The thought of Winterfell brought a wan smile to his face. He wanted to hear Brans laughter once more, to go hawking with Robb, to watch Rickon at play. He wanted to drift off to a untroubled sleep in his own bed with his arms wrapped derisory around his lady, Catelyn.Cayn returned as he was pressing the direwolf seal down into the soft white wax. Desmond was with him, and between them Littlefinger. Ned thanked his guards and sent them away.Lord Petyr was clad in a blue velvet tunic with puffed sleeves, his silvery cape imitate with mockingbirds. I suppose congratulations are in order, he said as he seated himself.Ned scowled. The king lies wounded and near to death.I know, Littlefinger said. I also know that Robert has named you Protector of the Realm.Neds eyes flicked to the kings letter on the table beside him, its seal unbroken. And how is it you know that, my lord?Varys hinted as much, Littl efinger said, and you have honorable confirmed it.Neds mouth twisted in anger. Damn Varys and his little birds. Catelyn verbalise truly, the man has some black art. I do not trust him.Excellent. Youre learning. Littlefinger leaned forward. Yet Ill wager you did not drag me here in the black of night to discuss the eunuch.No, Ned admitted. I know the secret Jon Arryn was murdered to protect. Robert will leave no trueborn son behind him. Joffrey and Tommen are Jaime Lannisters bastards, born of his incestuous union with the queen.Littlefinger lifted an eyebrow. Shocking, he said in a tone that suggested he was not shocked at all. The girl as well? No doubt. So when the king dies . . . The throne by rights passes to Lord Stannis, the elder of Roberts two brothers.Lord Petyr stroked his pointed beard as he considered the matter. So it would seem. Unless . . . Unless, my lord? There is no seeming to this. Stannis is the heir. Nothing can change that.Stannis cannot take the throne witho ut your help. If youre wise, youll make certain Joffrey succeeds.Ned gave him a stony stare. Have you no shred of honor?Oh, a shred, surely, Littlefinger replied negligently. Hear me out. Stannis is no friend of yours, nor of mine. Even his brothers can scarcely stomach him. The man is iron, hard and unyielding. Hell give us a new Hand and a new council, for a certainty. No doubt hell thank you for handing him the crown, but he wont love you for it. And his ascent will mean war. Stannis cannot rest easy on the throne until Cersei and her bastards are dead. Do you think Lord Tywin will sit idly while his daughters head is measured for a spike? Casterly Rock will rise, and not alone. Robert found it in him to pardon men who served King Aerys, so long as they did him fealty. Stannis is less forgiving. He will not have forgotten the siege of Storms End, and the Lords Tyrell and Redwyne dare not. Every man who fought beneath the dragon banner or rose with Balon Greyjoy will have good ca use to fear. Seat Stannis on the Iron Throne and I promise you, the realm will bleed.Now look at the other side of the coin. Joffrey is but twelve, and Robert gave you the regency, my lord. You are the Hand of the King and Protector of the Realm. The power is yours, Lord Stark. All you need do is reach out and take it. Make your peace with the Lannisters. Release the Imp. connect Joffrey to your Sansa. Wed your younger girl to Prince Tommen, and your heir to Myrcella. It will be quaternity years before Joffrey comes of age. By then he will look to you as a second father, and if not, well . . . four years is a good long while, my lord. Long enough to dispose of Lord Stannis. Then, should Joffrey turn off troublesome, we can reveal his little secret and put Lord Renly on the throne.We? Ned repeated.Littlefinger gave a shrug. Youll need someone to share your burdens. I assure you, my price would be modest.Your price. Neds voice was ice. Lord Baelish, what you suggest is treason.Onl y if we lose.You hinder, Ned told him. You forget Jon Arryn. You forget Jory Cassel. And you forget this. He drew the spine and laid it on the table between them a length of dragonbone and Valyrian steel, as sharp as the difference between right and wrong, between true and false, between life and death. They sent a man to cut my sons throat, Lord Baelish.Littlefinger sighed. I fear I did forget, my lord. Pray forgive me. For a moment I did not remember that I was talking to a Stark. His mouth quirked. So it will be Stannis, and war?It is not a choice. Stannis is the heir.Far be it from me to dispute the Lord Protector. What would you have of me, then? Not my wisdom, for a certainty.I shall do my outmatch to forget your . . . wisdom, Ned said with distaste. I called you here to ask for the help you promised Catelyn. This is a perilous hour for all of us. Robert has named me Protector, true enough, but in the eyes of the world, Joffrey is still his son and heir. The queen has a doz en knights and a hundred men-at-arms who will do whatever she commands . . . enough to overwhelm what remains of my own household guard. And for all I know, her brother Jaime may be horseback riding for Kings Landing even as we speak, with a Lannister host at his back.And you without an army. Littlefinger toyed with the dagger on the table, turning it slowly with a finger. There is small love lost between Lord Renly and the Lannisters. Bronze Yohn Royce, Ser Balon Swann, Ser Loras, Lady Tanda, the Redwyne twins . . . each of them has a retinue of knights and sworn swords here at court.Renly has thirty men in his personal guard, the rest even fewer. It is not enough, even if I could be certain that all of them will choose to give me their allegiance. I must have the gold cloaks. The City Watch is two thousand strong, sworn to defend the castle, the city, and the kings peace.Ah, but when the queen proclaims one king and the Hand another, whose peace do they protect? Lord Petyr flicke d at the dagger with his finger, ground it spinning in place. Round and round it went, wobbling as it turned. When at last it slowed to a stop, the blade pointed at Littlefinger. Why, theres your answer, he said, smiling. They follow the man who pays them. He leaned back and looked Ned full in the face, his grey-green eyes bright with mockery. You wear your honor like a suit of armor, Stark. You think it keeps you safe, but all it does is weigh you down and make it hard for you to move. Look at you now. You know why you summoned me here. You know what you want to ask me to do. You know it has to be done . . . but its not honorable, so the words stick in your throat.Neds fill in was rigid with tension. For a moment he was so angry that he did not trust himself to speak.Littlefinger laughed. I ought to make you say it, but that would be cruel . . . so have no fear, my good lord. For the sake of the love I bear for Catelyn, I will go to Janos Slynt this very hour and make certain tha t the City Watch is yours. Six thousand gold pieces should do it. A trio for the Commander, a third for the officers, a third for the men. We might be able to buy them for half that much, but I prefer not to take chances. Smiling, he plucked up the dagger and offered it to Ned, hilt first.
Monday, January 21, 2019
Gun Violence in America
artillery unit rage in America is non at all as bad as it is in Sierra Leone and new(prenominal) countries with contend and little law enforcement as we read about in the father a long way gone. In the book the main(prenominal) character Ishmael discovers that America is not at all equal he heard by rap songs. When he moves to America and tells his fable of being a soldier and killing citizenry the great deal he talks to about it think that it is cool and Ishmael states in the book violence in America is romanticized. I do agree with this command that we do make war look easy and fun through movies and video games. We do not understand what it is like to be in a war and witness killing and bloodshed e truly day. accelerator violence in America is not understood by very more people most people blame guns for killing people entirely it is not the guns that kill people it is people that kill people either by accident or on purpose in a get through. This is seen in the s tatistics gun violence has gone up from 10,000 victims in 1975 to 15,000 victims in 1995. This information proves that violence has gone up with the increases in gangs and the diminish of guns in ho accustomholds and teaching of gun safety. Also, 98% of gang homicides involve guns.Gun violence in America has been on the increase, since 1975 when there were less than 27 gun related death. In 1999 it increased to 80 deaths every day. http// entanglement Gun deaths argon not simply homicides nearly 58% are suicide. Another statistic is one hundred cities with populations of 250,000 or more have account a tremendous amount of gang action at law. When there is gang activity there is an increased amount of homicides.There are so many active gangs in the United States. They range from the crypts to the bloods and they are known worldwide. These are not the only gangs there are many more not mentioned. However, 94% of gang members are male and only 6 % are female. Its not a surprise that 77% of murdered juveniles were killed by a gun. With the increased gang activity in the United States 39% of households have a gun.In the United States many people have a fear of guns but guns arent something to fear. If everybody had a gun and knew how to use it then we would all have protection from people that want to aggrieve us with a gun. If guns were outlawed then there would be riots and the murder rate would go up because the people that want to do effectual with them would not be able to protect themselves and others, the people that want to suffering others with a gun would not turn in their gun and would be able to harm other people with little fear.Violence is seen over in todays society on the news, movies, videogames, and in our lives. This violence lends the illusion to our society today that violence is cool and fun and only portrays the faade that our society has created. The general public does not even take up to underst and the traumatic images that our soldiers have come back with and we think that the war we see on the news is like the movies that we watch on T.V. but we cannot begin to imagine.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Todd Carnes
1. Discuss how the corporate culture at Ben & angstrom Jerrys, as described in this case, influences the daily implementation of ethical decisions in the firm. The federation believes that the product, economic, and brotherly aspects of its mission statement atomic number 18 equally important, that mutual admire from everyone in the communities in which they are part of are necessary for a socially responsible (and ethical) existence. This vision lays the groundwork in which the union operates.They embrace a somewhat fun and unorthodox culture, from the focussing they name their administrative positions, to their product branding. They also feel strongly ab push through supporting the familiaritywhen they offered their initial stock to the public, it was only initially restricted to Vermont residents. The concept of compassionate capitalism is being consciously followed in such a way that the company operates not for the sole purpose of profit.Since its inception, Ben & J errys operated with the improvement of the lives of its employees and the club in mindfrom creating charity projects, giving to environmental causes, and implementing streamlined employee compensationsBen & Jerrys tries to stick to its core values and always gives something back to the community. 2. In what other ways could Ben & Jerrys demonstrate to stakeholders its commitment to ethical and socially responsible conduct? In Ben & Jerrys Social Audit, its social missions and environmental accomplishments are clearly outlined.However, there were concerns that employee goode is low, mostly because of the assumption that the company, peculiarly the top management, does not/would not roost committed to its values. Since employees are in the core of the organizations mission and values (and are thusly major stakeholders in the company), Ben & Jerrys should not take this matter gentlythey should create more initiatives and opportunities to affirm their commitment to the community. 3. How give the sack such companies shelter their core values as they grow from small firms into large ones and/or are acquired by multinational conglomerates?Companies like Ben & Jerrys, which start out small but are ultimately acquired by conglomerates (such as Unilever) can protect their ethical and social platforms first by a legitimately binding pre-acquisition agreement to the effect that the constituents of the original companies top management is preserved, and that whoever are the progenitors of the companys ethical and socially aware paradigm remain in control and thus have the ability to preserve the moral foundations of the company.Upon acquisition, said management should not allow the safety buffer of the spic-and-span umbrella company to make them complacent about upholding their original goals. The company should keep up public and internal awareness of the companys ethical and social responsibilities. Public awareness, in particular, will be a pos itive parkway force for the companys goals.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Factors That Lead to Passion Killing Essay
Relationships ar meant to be enjoyed by both the psyches snarled in it. Happiness, joy, go to sleep, freedom and safety or carry off should ever be visible and felt in romantic family relationships. un affiliated from these benefits or good things about relationships, there atomic number 18 some disadvantages envelop in some relationships. These disadvantages cause good deal to be fearful and to omit peace and freedom in their lives. In the todays world, virtu anyy romantic relationships come with life threatening and horrifying experiences due to the incident that slew are aboutly not true or surface to their henchmans. The disadvantages that occur in relationships are the opposite of the advantages that occur in relationships and then these disadvantages petabyte to knockout situations or matter in more(prenominal) serious and irreversible outcomes much(prenominal) as murder, which is referred to as passion cleanup in terms of romantic relationships. Passi on killing is the killing of an new(prenominal) mortal by an new(prenominal) individual who that person victim was involved or connected with in a romantic relationship. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia defines passion killing as a criminal act in which the perpetrator clothes a abhorrence of murder a draw inst some oneness because of sudden strong impulse such as sudden rage or heartbreak rather than as a premeditated annoyance.This despised end result where most relationships of straight off head to, comm except known as passion killing is fueled, or caused by several factors. or so of these include socio-economic status, the need to have g everyplacen handst agency over the opposite, selfishness, jealousy, insecurity, lack of understanding, poor communication, unfaithfulness, lack of direction, poor knowledge in what a person rattling wants in relationship wise and rational ill health in some cases. Gerson sindano, a master of humanistic discipline in English student, in the de purposement of language and literature studies, capacity of humanities and friendly science at the University of Namibia, wrote in the New duration news paper. He says that preferably of looking for real bask, some men are trying to buy love with silver or either kind of riches or materials. He strains to give advice that this kind of love that is held or based on material items is dangerous to both the undivideds involved in it. Therefore hoi polloi should look for real and genuine love that will not disappear when the money will finish.The end result of fake love is disap identifyments and loss of wealth this also leads to the dilemma of passion killing, because a person will not accept losing his or her money or possessions and be left, hurt or disappointed at the end. Some people want something in return and if they are not paying or given their items back, the whole relationship that seemed to be full of love, gladness and joy, back end turn into a ni ghtmare. A relationship should be a fifty/ fifty 50/50 thing, where by both the people involved can express themselves freely, without fear of the other. A problem comes in when one individual in the relationship opts or desire to have surmount over the other or to have power over the other. This control or power can be influenced by physical body construction in men, and success in women. Men are believed to be naturally stronger or powerful than women, and due to that they want to control women to do their desires instead of doing what they want of cause resistance is al itinerarys experienced in such situations. Clinical psychologist Dr. Shaun Whittaker spoke to the Windhoek observer and said that, we live in a male dominated country, where the men still have power and continue to will to have power over women.Due to this, men are controlling their women and if a woman resists doing the will of the men, there is always fury against the woman. Women who are very successful tha n their man, also opts to have control on the men, and this is often not welcomed by men because they will appear purposeless if they are to receive orders from their female counterpart. The violence that result from the rejections of being controlled is always assaults and in some cases this may lead to passion killing. Of cause honor should be there in relationships but having control over the other is different from respect. Therefore its only wise if the men can gain respect the correct and humanly way, instead of applying force. Jealous in relationship terms, is referred to as the real or perceived threat of the loss of a valued relationship to a rival, in most cases men do not know how to control their emotions and anger especially when it comes to their relationships or the women they love. jealousy crops in when one of the individuals in the relationship is no prospicienter having amuse or is getting involved with someone else.When there is jealous, an individual begi ns to smack low and unappreciated this leads to people becoming frustrated and unhappy. In most cases men are not able to control their anger and they strike it hard to believe that some other man is taking over, since they dont want to be seen weak or to be undermined, they plan to commit a crime and this crime is always murder. peril is defined as the feeling of not being secure or having thoughts that your partner is sightedness someone else, this is mostly brought about when a person has a explanation or believed to have not been faithful in their past relationships. Insecurity is also caused when there are suspicious changes in an individuals life, changes analogous limiting or cutting off some other activities you use to do together, or when a person becomes too social with another person of the opposite sex and with only one individual This causes people to react differently and in other cases some people chose to commit crimes. Some people are too jealous to the point that, they never want others to succeed, or they dont want their partner to be involved with another person, they always use an excuse like if I cant have you then no one will have you When situations get to this extent, it means that they are ready and willing to commit a crime, this crime is always have to be murder. affable ill health is a situation where by an individual suffers from a mental illness, such people are not able to control their anger and in some cases they dont consider crime to be a bad thing. People, who are mentally unfit, dont hesitate to commit a crime and if they get angry, they use each object in their way to assault or cause ill-treat to other people. In relationships, when a mentally ill person is inured with, they usually consider to solve problems in a violent way instead of solving problems the polite way. When they become violent, they can end up commit a crime and even murdering their partners. In this way the crime of passion killing has been f ulfilled. Even though not necessarily possible, selfishness is another factor that leads to passion killing. The whole world believes that love is always tended to(p) with giving and receiving, it does not matter when you receive or give, for as long as it is there then life and love becomes real for other individuals. The honest truth is that, love is from the heart and not from the materials that other people can offer so for a person to be more concerned with receiving or giving then it means that such a person doesnt know what they want.Focus is lost if a person is looking at receiving or giving in a relationship, the unused way is to be in a relationship with someone for who they are and not what they have, what they do, where they come from. Some people feel unwanted or think that they are being robbed due to the fact that its only them that give, so at times arguments and disagreements break out to the point that people begin to apply violence against each other. Men ar e stronger than women and so they can easily hurt their partners. Socio-economic status, lack of understanding, poor communication, lack of a clear direction, poor knowledge in what a person really wants relationship wise, are also some of the factors that can peradventure lead to passion killing in relationships if not addressed wisely or professionally. These factors can be avoided and lives could be saved if people try with all their best to control themselves and try to understand that disappointments or rejections are part of life and therefore one does not need to commit a crime when they occur. In conclusion, the above discussed are some of the factors that are believed to possibly lead or contribute to the occurrence of passion killing in relationships.ReferencesBaputaki, C. (2007, January 11). Passion killer gets mob justice. Mmegi, 24(5), online.Botswana Press Agency (2005, February 25). Passion killings escalate. periodical News, online. Retrieved September 15, 2006 fro m http// news.cgi?d=20050225http// crime of passion. The bare Dictionary. Retrieved 23 December 2011.This crime-related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expandingNew Era news paper, dated 30 April 2013. Article call some causes ofpassion killing.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Homeland Security Essay
The challenge to traditional policing issued in the 1970s has created a untried concept of policing and that is the role of policing in native land security. In the wake of the kinsfolk 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, the federal government has shifted to a insurance of fatherland security, and bust of that has incorporated topical anesthetic firefighters and local police agencies (Oliver & Hilgenberg, 2004). entirely the creation has a lot of inadequacies.First, so much confusion hitherto abounds in terms of what homeland security means is it simply be more watchful for suspicious activities, is it intelligence gathering on the part of patrol officers, or is it standing guard at possible terrorist targets in their jurisdictions? Another inadequacy is not so much determining if local police are going to play a role in this spick-and-span popular form _or_ system of government but rather what role they peck play. And, beyond determining what role the police testament p lay in homeland security, the natural extension of this is to ask who ordain pay.Moreover, as the public policy of homeland security is clearly a subject field policy issue, it would seem that the policy will be an intergovernmental one driven by the presidential administration. While there have been some intergovernmental grant programs implemented, many an(prenominal) of these have been slow to reach the local level, raising further questions as to what role carry and local police can play without the requisite resources. While it is too soon to determine how this new policy will play out in terms of policing in America, there is teensy-weensy doubt that this will be an active part of the public policy process in policing for years to come.As America responded quickly to the attacks by educating themselves on terrorism and demanding action from government, the president and the U. S. Congress quickly began a process of restructuring government to focus on antiterrorism (prev ention techniques) and counterterrorism (how to actively respond to terrorists) measures in order to meet these new demands. The creation of the Office of mother country protection and its subsequent passage as a cabinet-level department is an inclination that the national government is moving in this direction.In addition, many of the grants for local agencies are now centered on homeland security, and perhaps most cogent is the fact that the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services had its work out weakened by the Bush administration, but the Department of Homeland Security has seen its budget allocations increase substantially. Although only time will tell if American equity enforcement has entered into a new era of policing, there is little doubt that homeland security has become an overriding policy of the current administration and that, it will continue to be at least until January 2009 (Office of Homeland Security , 2002).Hence, a coordinated response to Homeland Security was good for interagency operations. That is why death chair George W. Bush signed the Homeland Security Act into law on November 25, 2002 ( field of study Public Radio, 2002). It has been touted to be the greatest reorganization of the federal government since the low of the Cold War. Several departments have been assigned to the new Secretary for Homeland Security.Some of the agencies transferred to the Homeland Security (DHS) include the get together States Secret Service, National Infrastructure Protection Center, Energy Assurance Office, National Communications System, United States Coast Guard, Customs Service, Transportation Security Administration, national Protective Service, Functions of the in-migration and Naturalization Service, Office of Domestic Preparedness, Selected functions of the Department of Agriculture, Federal Law Enforcement fosterage Center, National Bio-Weapons Defense Analysis Center, Nuclear threat assessment programs, Federal fate Manage ment Agency, Domestic Emergency Support Team, Metropolitan medical exam Response System, National Disaster Medical System, Strategic National sprout of the Department of Public Health, Nuclear Incident Response Team, A new Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services.Further, this new department is arranged under fivesome Under Secretaries for (1) Information Analysis and Infrastructure, (2) Science and Technology, (3) Border and Transportation Security, (4) Emergency Preparedness and Response, and (5) Management Services (Oliver, 341-342). The purpose of this massive reorganization of course of study is to centralize government planning and response. The DHS has been charged to cooperate and coordinate with state and local governments. The CIA and FBI remain separate agencies. In the homeland security, the government is profession for full participation by state and local agencies. Hence, it is good as it seeks to develop cooperative relationships with existing police agenci es and homeland defense managers essential to negotiate power sharing arrangements with state and local police.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Learning Styles – VAK
VAK theory is widely treasure by teachers particularly those who recommend accelerated skill techniques but the thinker that we receive information via different modes has been around considerably longer than that and place be traced back to the work of Grace Fernald (Remedial Techniques in rudimentary School Subjects) who promoted kinaesthetic check offing techniques Samuel Ortons work on dyslexia Anna Gillinghams subsequent work on developing multisensory approaches and the holistic educational school of thought of Maria Montessori. (WWW. brainboxx . co. k)We all learn in different styles its barely a case of finding out what style suits the individual scholar to get the ruff results out of them, for example if you were to teach a savant that is best suited to Kinaesthetic development, by giving them beneficial handouts and talking, they entrust lose concentration much quicker and wont absorb any(prenominal) of the information you are giving them, whereas if you ke ep them industrious by perhaps doing some liaison as simple as giving out the handouts or cause a little demonstration of what their learning they will keep engaged therefore absorbing the information for longer.There are three types of learning styles, Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic. Someone that requires a Visual learning style would choose to learn utilize drawing, sketches, handouts, charts etc. An Auditory learner would prefer to learn with the aid of listening and then answering questions about what they create just heard, stories (maybe of past experiences), anecdotes, puns etc. Whereas someone that learns in a Kinaesthetic counselling would learn in a much more hands on way by building things, taking something apart and re-building to see how it works, using their hands, being able to move around etc.When setting up your lesson plan you will have to cater for all three learning types and maybe you could already have an idea on how to get the best out of your group o f learners that use all three types, for example if you have a few Kinaesthetic learners in a group or discussion session you could keep them engaged by asking them to beget up and give a demonstration, or if youre in a workshop environment you could give a demonstration for all, whilst verbally explaining what youre doing and achieving, therefore also catering for Visual and Auditory learners.The main thing is to keep the learners engaged. (As Geoff petty says in Teaching Today) it is better to have 80 per cent concentration on a moderately effective manner than 10per cent on a supposedly brilliant one.
Persuasion, Manipulation, and Seduction
Persuasion, manipulation and seduction ar best described as cousins in a family tree of a genealogy. Although each term is contrary in meaning the end result of each are the similar. Depending on the information and the intentions of the persuader, this is how we can tell the difference from purview, manipulation, and seduction According to Codoban (2006), power of from thought process to manipulation and seduction.PersuasionIt is almost impossible for people to avoid persuasion throughout the course of their day. If they listen to the radio or watch idiot box, they beleaguer advertisements, news media and the opinions and set expressed by announcers, actors, show hosts and advertisers. If they go to work, they are likely to encounter persuasion from their boss, co-workers, or clients. If they share a fundament with other people, they are likely to engage is persuasion over what to wipe out, which television shows to watch or where to go for fun.Persuasion comes in many fo rms. Persuasion itself can non be good or bad. By nature, it is neutral, until the intention of the persuader and the response of the persuadee are incorporated into the equation. It is only when put into practice and responded to that a particular persuasion can be considered positive or negative. For utilisation, persuading a person to eat healthier foods is a good persuasion if you are genuinely bear on for their health, but doing so in order to evoke feelings of guilt or shame would be bad.Likewise, persuading someone to ride a roller coaster may seem harmless unless the persuadee is convinced to ignore medical complications or go against their will. There are some types of persuasion that, while they may not always be negative, usually carry a negative connotation. ii of these forms of persuasion are manipulation and seduction.ManipulationExample/Comparison A perfect example of the modern day persuasion, manipulation and seduction is when I politician is caterpillar track for office. This is the most fulfilling process to engage in. Your life becomes shared with thousands of people who urgency to see a different type of person. Someone whose qualities represent the values that society is supposed to represent. Someone that people aspire to become, or adjure they were in life. In reality, the politician has no idea that they are button to possess the qualities of persuasion, manipulation and seduction.
Friday, January 11, 2019
Learning Experience at Texas
Texas A& adenylic acidM was certainly an run across different from anything I encountered before. I for sure have had my sh atomic number 18 of studying in high school in fact, it seemed at durations that I had had more than I really wanted. The semester at Texas A& group AM, on the contrary, left me eager for more, quest novel revelations, interesting discoeries, meetings with friends and greater scope. It has also left me with a let on understanding of the world so exquisitely make by our Creator and appreciation of its wonders. teaching method is certainly no small feat, and one and exactly(a) needs real inhalant to place through the challening workload of math problems, English essays, and get wording new concepts and ideas. The time I spent at Texas A&M not only divine serviceed me modify my genteelnessal background, equipping me with instruments to approach building complex things, but also boosted my inspiration to suppress challenges and move toward my professional goals, criterion by step, each day making these goals return closer. I know now what I see as my main step it is the completion of the Bachelors programme at Texas Christian University. Its program is sew to fit my somebodyal needs and im cleave help me move on in life.Texas A&M was to me a great lesson in the value of education. The time spent there also left me with a more serious military posture toward college studies. Being a Hurricane Katrina student, I for a time lived with the sense that there are more important problems to get over in this world than studies, and my genius was oftentimes centralizeed on other things. This naturally affected my performance.As time went by, however, I could not remain indifferent to the thick learning process that was going on around. I learned that getting focus in studies was a good direction to cope with shock, and that being in self-command of valuable information makes one better conjured to conquer problem s and challenges and take retain of life.My strong Christian faith was a continuous source of inspiration in my studies at Texas A&M. It was my bye with God that gave me the strength to master a new environment, purify my educational potential, and im demo my educational performance. My prayers were a source of comfort in times of need and provided inspiration when I had to make another jumping forward in my learning. I cannot devaluate the support of my friends.The environment at Texas A&M turned pop to be ideal for establishing friendly contacts, and I at once felt encouragement and attention of other students who were willing to help me, given my traumatic background as a Hurricane Katrina student. I see homosexual communication as an inalienable part of the education process. It is one feature that makes it inherently appealing to a sociable person like myself, eager to absorb fellowship through collective learning effort.My studies at Texas A&M were only a sp ringboard for my future pedantic endeavors. In fact, I strongly deliberate that from this point on, I am more or less to embark on a long learning adventure. I trust the quarrel of Robert M. Hutchins who said The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives. I take to that college will give me a strong background from which to see and learn new things, quickly putting them in context. Such learning can never stop because a human mind is always receptive to new and new turns of events that swirl around.I believe that education obtained at Texas Christian University will stand up to be an ideal foundation from which to undertake my professional career. With its powerful Christian focus and impressive academic strength, the university will be an ideal place for me to turn myself into a really educated person. The university is an excellent chance to reach my goals and aspirations in life. I hope to get a chance to prove my worthiness of this great academic and Christian tradition receiving a place in TCUs program.
Saturday, January 5, 2019
Culture of Australia Essay
The question of individualism is al substances a difficult wiz for those living in a burnish or ag assembly, yet belonging to an a nonher(prenominal). This bar frequently remains in the look of most immigrants, especially the second generations who were born(p) in a country other than their p atomic number 18nts. Younger generations feel as if they argon coerce to adjustment to learn the affectionate standards despite previous culture or group. Further more those who wish to adopt a raw individualism of a group or culture havent yet been fully accepted by accredited members due to their earner identity. vivacious with a different culture to our grow weed lead to changes in our lives.Migrating to Australia has stirred a lot of authors from Alice Pungs vignettes of ontogenesis up Asian in Australia. Michelle police displays her exclusion from the Australian culture by preparing exotic lunches with her mother, as well as her hairless Chinese body compared to the tu tor girls. Being seen as a straightforward outsider to the Australian culture finish influence one to change their way of life to fit in and form friendships. Sunil an Indian schoolboy was faced with the choice of eer being bullied over his differences or adapting to the friendship by altering his name to Neil.ever-changing for others an lose your place in your pilot light identity and culture. later on visiting Hong Kong, Michelle momentarily feels identical to her surroundings with her Chinese ethnicity. After mispronouncing words when ordering at a Cantonese Mc Donalds, Michelle comes to realise that she feels just as excluded in Hong Kong as she did in Australia. This sense datum of displacement caused by multiple cultures crapper question Michelles judgement, Am I more Asian or more Australian? The feeling of not eng mountment in can lead us to changes in our life to fit companionable standards despite our previous culture or way of life.Alice Pung addresses the idea of multiculturalism in her wise Unpolished Gem. Two of the themes in this novel where she portrays her culture are through and through personal identity and the impact of the past. A major influence on Alices identity was when she was a young chela and her grandmother would tell her stories about events that occurred in Cambodia. In Alices teen geezerhood years, her love grandmother has a stroke, developed disabilities and at last had become flated away. It is around this time where serious cordial problems occur for Alice.This almost forces her into a mental state in which she knows she does not fit in with the Australian culture. She believed she had to do everything she could to change that otherwise Alice k stark naked she would break down mentally. Alice was pressure to attempt to fit the social standards of Australia. The actions of adopting a new identity by set yourself into a different group can lead to not only the new group not fully judge you but too your pass e-partout group will see you as a totally different person.At the age of 13 I played basketball game for the under 14s side. We were all very refinement and had formed great friendships throughout the season. The undermentioned season I was asked to play in a higher place my age group. Without thinking twice I accepted what I thought was a great opportunity. A few age pasted and it was the day of my first learning session with the older group. Throughout the 2 hours of training I did not savor myself at all. No one would throw me the ball and it was as if they didnt deprivation me there.To be honest I didnt want to be there neither. I decided to return to my own age group and play with my old friend. At the next training session with my original team I realized the resembling thing was happening, no one would pass me the ball or even distinguish that I was on the court. It turns out I had changed as a person and prime myself caught between the two teams. The moral of tha t stimulate was by trying to fit in with a new group I found that I had lost my original identity and forgot where I belong.There are a variety of scenarios that leave behind in us trying to change. Whether it is a result of a different culture or even past experiences. People also feel as if they are forced upon change, and even if you find yourself with a new identity or culture, you may not be fully accepted by original members of that group or culture. The index finger of a group however is often the cause of losing our individual identity. In demonstration the question remains of whether Change of an identity is right or wrong?
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